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Everything posted by foul_owl

  1. It wouldn't be possible to execute a setBlock from a keypress?
  2. That makes sense. I would like to perform a setBlock() as soon as step 4 finishes, but before anything else is done. How would I do this? If I could see a code snippet, it would be much appreciated, particularly as I am brand new to this. As another option, I would be down to execute a setBlock() when a key is pressed, ie, the "j" key. (Hardcoded for now, but of course I understand that is bad practice haha) Thanks!
  3. Ok cool. I thinking something like "First vanilla minecraft decides where to place all blocks, once that step is done, then I can determine what blocks to change". That is what I meant by "post-world generation"
  4. I wanted it to be last as I wanted to ensure that my block wasn't overwritten with another block. I'll google biome decorator and see what I can find there. My issue is that the Forge tutorials are currently not extensive enough to allow me to see how to proceed. However, I did just find this: http://wuppy29.blogspot.nl/2012/08/modding-ore-generation.html So I will look that over and see if I can use that. An example here would be awesome, it might actually make for a good tutorial to go along with the rest of the Forge tutorials, ie, "Here's how you set a single block". Thanks!
  5. Sorry, I realized I should have been more specific. I basically want to set a block as the last stage of world generation. Ie, after the world has generated, but before anything else has happened. I'm just not sure what function to define and use in my Generic class ( ie, from http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding ) Thanks!
  6. Hi folks, I'm just starting off modding, so I have an easy question for you all. I would like to set a block at arbitrary coordinates (say 0,80,0) to an arbitrary value. (say, block of emerald, or id 133) I've been following the tutorials here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Basic_Modding But I'm not seeing any information on how to set a block post-world generation. I've also taken a look at the Ruins mod source code, and discovered the setBlock function there. I'm 99% sure that setBlock shouldn't go in preInit, load, or postInit, because I'm assuming those functions are just relating to loading the mod. We need to call setBlock after the world has already been generated. I basically just need to know how and when to call setBlock, and how to reference the current world in setBlock. Thanks folks!!
  7. Please give me that documentation. I am fixing some stuff up now er, my plan was to do that next week. I'll let you know if I find anything that doesn't work for me. Cheers!!
  8. Yep, it was choking on MinecraftForgeClient.preloadTexture(String texture). Commented out those lines, builds fine. I think the idea behind the tutorial is to just get something added, compiled, and working. How should we change that tutorial for 1.6.1 so that at least one very basic line of code is executed? I was thinking about replacing those two lines with System.out.print("Hello world"); but....maybe there is something more Minecraft-centric that would make more sense I'm also going to complete that tutorial series and document everything that needs to be changed. Thanks!
  9. My guess is that these errors are due to the tutorial not being updated for 1.6.1, so I just wanted to mention that and see if we can work together to get that tutorial updated. However it is also quite possible that I am doing something wrong as well. Here is the crash report: http://paste.minecraftforge.net/view/0470161a Thanks!
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