I meant principal as the same process. Principal may not have been the right word... Same idea may have been better wording. Anyways,
So what you are saying, is outside the "public class hbhbtm {}", i would write, "public class blocknewblock1 {" and then put the code that i would have put in the actual class, inside the brackets?
(btw, some family came over, so that's why i had a late response)
Anyways, yeah i have a tendency to just "wing it" with a lot of things, but usually i can figure it out, and if i cant, even after searching google, well, here i am.... The large portion isn't that much, its just a lot of repetitive things, adding like 50 items. I just chose to do it all at once, since i was going to do it all anyways. Also, i started this a few days after i made this topic, I had no idea it would effect this... (time wise) Also, i am about half way done with that large portion. I just saved the most boring and time consuming for last(creating all the classes)
Edit: I actually did have some programming background, not a ton, but some.(python, lua, and a little java) So I guess I wasn't really "winging" it with this.