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Everything posted by kwill

  1. Woohoo, I figured it out. It turns out that the server was never sending the changes in fuse time to the client so I added a DataWatcher to fuse. The following link shows all the changes I made to get this to work (anything regarding setFuse and EntityTimerTNTPrimed is relevant): https://github.com/kwill1429/EPDProj/commit/2ebdd0d9d597c4365531bb26aef7c3c270da0c3f
  2. So I've played with some breakpoints on spawnEntityInWorld and renderEntities which revealed that during spawnEntityInWorld, the entity was available in the loadedEntityList but the list (RenderGlobal: line 485) does not contain my entity.
  3. Updated the source to reflect the changes. I do believe the entity does spawn as the resulting explosion is affected by gravity. So that leaves just a rendering bug right? edit: I thought I changed it correctly but now the entity doesn't even spawn. I will be reverting back spawnPrime for the time being. edit 2: I am also noticing that my frame rate is now terrible when running the mod. Screenshot of f3: http://imgur.com/qT0dDy1. My specs are an i7-4790k and a R9 280x. A quick test reveals that it is the registerRenders() method in my ClientProxy causing the lag. edit 3: Lag was not from registerRenders() it was just from all the conditional breakpoints I was putting in the renderEntities loop. Upon uncommenting registerRenders and disabling all break points the lag went away.
  4. Source Code: https://github.com/kwill1429/EPDProj I'm currently trying to replicate the way TNT works but I cannot seem to get the entity to show. When I put breakpoints on the constructor and methods, it did break on the constructor but it did not break on any of the methods. I also tried printing the entities coordinates to the console but nothing seemed out of the oridinary there.
  5. I'm able to get an itemstack from a method. Is there a method to find out what mod registered that item?
  6. Just to clarify, would it be more apt to say that it allows client side function to not cause "class not found" on a server? I say this because I also run things like key binds through the proxy. I'm just trying to get a clear understanding for future reference.
  7. What are the proxies actually for? How do they compare to packet handlers? Tutorials constantly show to put graphic info, such as guis and such, but they never actually specify what it's doing. Also, what do you put in the pre-init, init , and post-init classes? I have been loading my blocks and items in the @init but someone recently said they belong in @preinit :C
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