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  1. OK, so now the custom blocks always render as stone, and any blocks within a certain area of them (it seems to be different for every one) is also rendered as stone. weird, eh? I guess I'll dump my code again Render Class Block Class EDIT: Fixed the issue thanks to some awesome coder guys on IRC. If you have a similar issue PM me and I can give you my solution.
  2. OK... not sure how I missed that Anyway, now they render the the missing texture thing if there is a block within a seemingly random area around them that isn't one of them, otherwise they are invisible... weird. I will take another look at my code I guess.
  3. OK so now what I have is a block that has the wireframe thing around it, and collides properly, but are completely invisible. I guess the textures aren't working... I guess I'll dump my code again and hope for some help... Block Class Renderer Class The block and the renderer are both registered in the main class also.
  4. Yeah, it's happening to me too. Every page on the Wiki seems to be broken. Looks like there's an essential PHP script missing. The Forge team does have a lot of work going on, and we should be patient, however I do hope that this gets fixed.
  5. OK, so the code appears to be slightly unreasonable today, so I'll just post my source and hope somebody knows where I went wrong. Block Class Relevant Part of Main Class ISBRH Class Do I need something registered in the Client Proxy? If so, how? or did I just make some really basic mistake? Any help greatly appreciated!
  6. I'm not sure how to add this, however Dinnerbone has stated that the attribute system will encompass swing speed (as well as bow draw time), so if I were you I might just flesh out the other areas of my mod and hope that the attributes for that come in 1.7
  7. OK, sounds like the ISBRH way is best, but I can't figure out how to use it. I don't have a param of Minecraft in any of my methods, and even if I did I can't seem to find the thePlayer field. If someone could write some example code or point me towards a tutorial that would be awesomazing. EDIT: Made a bit of progress, just realised I have to use Minecraft.getMinecraft.etc... thanks! Haven't got it fully working yet, if I do /don't I will post here!
  8. Ok, so basically what I want to have is a block that has one texture when the player isn't wearing a certain helmet, and a different one when they do. Right now, I've got the block all set up, as well as a TileEntity that detects whether or not the nearest player is wearing this helmet (which is already fully implemented). The problem is, I can't get the info from the TileEntity every tick in the block to set the texture, and I can't set the texture from the TileEntity. Somebody suggested a TESR or an ISBRH. I haven't delved too much into block rendering, so I really don't know how to implement one or which one I should even use. Any help would be greatly appreciated
  9. Fixed It!!!
  10. Ohhh, that's some old leftover boat code that made it float to the top of water, can't believe i didn't see that. I'll try to fix that now, and edit this post to say whether or not it worked
  11. So I've added a new entity to the game that is like the boat, but it travels on land. It's not finished yet, and theres still some code in it from the boat classes that I don't want to keep, however this issue if preventing me from working on it farther. I mod on my laptop, which isn't the best one in the world, only 3gb RAM, but most of the time it can run eclipse, two clients, and a server with my mod, if I have the graphics at minimum and I change the JVM arguments to allot more RAM. Anyway, after I added the Speeder, everything seemed fine so I created a test world, just on a single client now, to try it out. Everything was going fine until I placed one of the Speeders in the world with an item I created to spawn it in. It doesnt crash, no error, but my CPU use spikes to 100% and the game just sort of freezes. I left it for 10 minutes and it changed frames once. I'll post my src, and hopefully someone can tell me why this entity causes so much lag Entity Class: Render Class Relevant part of public void load() method in main class: Yes, there are a lot of spots where it says boat in argument names I should mention that this was working fine until i changed the bounding box of the entity class.
  12. Oops, that mighta been my old code. Try this instead, add these lines to your public void load() method: EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityGravelChunk.class, "GravelChunk", 4, this, 40, 3, true); RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGravelChunk.class, new RenderSnowball(GravelChunk)); the variables there in refisterModEntity are the class file for the entity, its "name", its ID, the next one is always this, then the distance that it renders from (if you go farther away you will not be able to see it), then the next one I forget, but I always have it set to 3 so I guess use that, and the last one should always be true. You might have that already, I dunnoh.
  13. I haven't tested it with 1.6.x yet, but this is the way I've been doing it: public void AddRenderer (Map map) { map.put(EntityGravelChunk.class, new RenderSnowball(GravelChunk)); } In your main class, where the item name inside RenderSnowball() is the name of the item you want the entity to render as. I'm not 100 percent sure that's the method though, so if you know where to put the render stuff and it isn't there, then justput RenderSnowball() for rendering them.
  14. I had a similar glitch, but once I added .setUnlocalisedName("namehere") to where I constructed the blocks, it's fine. Example: public static final Block durt = new BlockDurt(666, Material.anvil).setHardness(1000.0F).setResistance(-1F).setUnLocalisedName("durt"); That shoooould work
  15. I'm assuming you mean throwing them like snowballs? You would definitely need an entity, there is no other way to do it. Also, do you want to add this to a vanilla tool, or a custom one? The way to implement it would be very different.
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