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Everything posted by TLHPoE

  1. But that check's if it's anywhere in the inventory. I'm only checking if it's in hand.
  2. Normally, the Nightvision doesn't go crazy with the light. I'm trying to make it so where you get Nightvision when you hold my sword. But I think it adds the potion effect so fast that it flickers the light a whole lot. Is there anyway I can add a delay to make sure it doesn't rapidly add the potion effect? ServerTickHandler12e3
  3. Figured it out. I never called the onPlayer method. I'll put my ServerTickHandler right here for anyone having the same problem. ServerTickHandler12e3
  4. It's a sword.
  5. I tweaked my code to check for the item ID. But I don't really know anything about item meta data values. Sorry I'm a bit of a newb at Java.
  6. Ok, I changed my method to this one. It still doesn't print anything :I
  7. I'm trying to make a check to see if the player has my sword in his/her hands. It doesn't print anything in the console when I start the client. mod_deathman12e3 (It's in the postInit) CommonProxy ServerTickHandler12e3
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