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Everything posted by EarthGuardian

  1. rly .... thx lol that 1 / .... what a nice thing ... could you explane why that does work in eclipce and not mc ?? you got a thankyou from me
  2. hey all. my custom furnace gui texture isnt working outside eclipse .. iv updated elipse, updated forge, reinstalled eclipce, reinstalled forge, reinstalled mc, iv changed the location setup manny times over like the forum sugested, i renammed the location serveral times, and iv done all the tings the forums sugested before. why isnt my gui still not working outside ecplipse (runmode) ... Version forge mod loader 871, mc 1.6.2 mcp v8.04 (both normal mc and eclipse same stuff) the gui class: the location class: hope i wil get som help with this becose im stunned this gui texture not rendering outside eclipse. greets
  3. this is what i use in my tile entity: this worked for mine ..
  4. I would be inclined to agree with you on this one. @OP: Try changing them to "MagicInfuserItems" and "MagicInfuserSlots". Or you could do as MrrGingerNinja says and use your modid. But i would personally would do something more like: "*Modid*MagicInfuserItems" and "*Modid*MagicInfuserSlots" ( where *Modid* is your mod's modid ). But really, it is up to you. i donot agree lol ... iv made a 2 input furnace awhile back .. and i dotn see this working at all .. your recipes.. in my eyes wont work in this way you need to make the recipes for 2 inputs also.. and as for the rest the tile entity is n your own styl not perfectly sure if that is perfectly working or not i think it might when you got the recipe set up correctly ..
  5. were is your recipes class ?? becose i dont realy see it ?? and as i see it you whant 2 input and 1 out put plus 1 fuel input ? or the fuel input as 1 of the 2 inputs ??
  6. i actuly got tht far in the textpacket it needed ints .. iv done that my selve alredy .. but now what ? i have the packet done .. at what class do i send my int ? en how can i use it in my gui ? so fix my waterlvl again (witch did work before with out packets) ?? oht btw ... i1 = this.coalheaterInventory.getWaterLVLScaled(49); this.drawTexturedModalRect(k + 156, l + 14 - i1, 176, 27 - i1, 10, i1 + 27); does draw my water lvl texture in my gui now (with out packets) .. but its not scaling or moding ... its not using the i1 value at all ... and this is the burntime (witch does scale and work) i1 = this.coalheaterInventory.getHeatTimeRemainingScaled(12); this.drawTexturedModalRect(k + 78, l + 54 + 12 - i1, 176, 12 - i1, 14, i1 + 2); so my question is now why doesnt the getwaterlvlscaled not work anny more (it did before)
  7. nice of you for not helping me ....................... i told you the gui did work before wiht out anny packages ... and the burntime (sint shared and not doing that in a packet) ... and that still works on every gui .. my question is simple but ppl keep telling me the same thing do packets .. for it but i have no idea on how to use a packet for int but noe one is helping me at all or is beeing verry cryptic about it. and now you tell me go learn more java and come back... WHY did the gui work before when the waterLvl was static and dusnt now .. and WHY dit it work with out packets .. (like the burning time) and dusnt now (while the burning time still works) thats what im asking ... greets
  8. might help you.. and the location in mcp is: forge/mcp/jars/config
  9. *Bump* hmzz stil stuck ... i realy have no idea on how to use packets ,, to fix my gui problem ... and i cant find anny thing on packets related to guis so yeah im begining to think im on the wrong path or something ... can anny one hlp me with this ??
  10. hey me again .. // Send to server //PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToServer(new Waterpacket("Hello World!").makePacket()); // send to player //PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToPlayer(new Waterpacket("Hello World!").makePacket(), (Player)player); how can i use that packet tutorial with these line to solve my problem at my gui ?? do i need to send my int waterlvl ? how do i do this ??
  11. NVM found out what was my problem haha lol anny way let see how i can us this to so the waterlvl for my gui .. becose the tutorial uses strings
  12. iv looked at that .. and its incomplete ... he uses a file: import com.example.demomod.network.DemoPacket.ProtocolException; in his demopackethandler .. and that file isnt in the tutorial lol so i cant make it work with out knowing whats in that file ... ProtocolExeption.class and also it uses strings ?? // Send to server PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToServer(new TestPacket("Hello World!").makePacket()); // send to player PacketDispatcher.sendPacketToPlayer(new TestPacket("Hello World!").makePacket(), (Player)player); and if you can use ints to sent insteat of the string .. how am i able to use that to send at my what ? tile entity ? send at my mod.class? send it where .. he dusnt realy claryfy where you can send it from .. (my gues would be it can be send from every were ..) ánd how can my gui recive it ?? i see only a send option and the only receive option is in the packed handler ...
  13. i got that you have the packet but i have no idea how to do that ... are there anny examples around ?? becose i realy have no idea on how to do that .. not even sure on how to begin ..
  14. how does that help my problem ... this pice of dode: b1 = this.coalheaterInventory.getWaterLVLScaled(49); this.drawTexturedModalRect(k + 156, l + 63 - b1, 176, 76 - b1, 76, b1 + 2); worked before when the waterLvl was static .. and the modalrect was drawing back then .. but back then all the block i place shared the same waterlvl .. so iv changed it .. they dont share the waterlvl anny more but my gui isnt drawing my modalrect anny more and i dont know why .. it did before but isnt now greets
  15. wtf lol XDXD can you been anny more unclear i dont even have 1 clew now hot to make my waterlvl work again in my gui iv been stuck for 5 hours now staring at the code that did work before .. but isnt now and i dont know why it sould work but it dusnt ... it dustn even begin to draw it now .. nothing happens .. greets
  16. what do you mean by that ?? becose im confuses right now why my gui wont show my draw thingy and did before ... but the waterlvs are totaly fixed now .. but my getwaterscaled dusnt seem to work in my gui now what do you mean by packets ??
  17. oh w8 it seems to work now since i relocted the water handling .. but now my gui wont show the scaled ... drawerectle ... at all not even 1 cm ... so Getwaterlvlscaled dusnt work atm ... my water lvls are seperated now thow thx lol
  18. i know its static ... id i turn into a normal int they waterlvl jsut spikes and dusnt add it correct then i add a waterbucket ... and also the gui cant work than .. of the scaled.... stuff i may try it again but i know it dint work before and also when its not static it wont remember my water lvl when i re open gui after (first active) and it wont be stored when i restart mc ... or re open my map' so yea when its static it does remember my lvl ... realy weird stuff is going on with the int waterlvl when its not static oh and when i add new bucket tot the non static int it uses the in 2 seperated times .. so mc returns it as 2 seperated ints while its 1 int ... realy weird
  19. hellow, i am stuck at my TileEntity (shown below) i cant seem to figure out when i put my bucket of water in and it adds to the water lvl all the other blocks i have placed in the worl get the same water added* (its does show up in the gui as well and when i print int to chat as a variable is does to) even tho i dint add the water bucket there. the blocks where i dint add the water still know they have water becouse when i add fuel item in the fuel slot it turns on even tho i dint add the water at that block .. so why does it share this ?? ( its practicly the same handling as the flame(burn) Time that goes from up to down) the class:
  20. if you dint know how i set up my tile entity .. its rater useless what fix i needed to help your tile entity so yeah. that little fix if i would compair it with the furnace tile entity in the updateEntity part where it takes the cooktime and when its 200 it will do the smeltitem() part.. i dint clarify that part in my tilentity and it made my custom furnace burn but not take out the recipes and outputting my output item so that was a little derp of mine
  21. oooh geus wotn ower casing all my pakkages dint work .. i toght it wouldnt work but i said to myselve elts try it .. but it dint make sence to me.. thx for leting me was 1 hour to rename all my pakkages names to lower case .. it dint work for the GUI texture .. still dont understand why the Gui texture works in eclipse but not as eported mod ... the locations sould be spot on becose eclipse makes it work ..
  22. ad why does that matter ? eclips can make it work o.0 why sound mc with fml not ?? ist basicly the same ??
  23. so yea iv tryd searching for it .. but ditn find anny awnser. here is my code ... the location and textures are all lower case idd .. this works in eclipse but dusnt work outside of ecplipse ... and yes im using same version mc and same version of forge outside of eclipse ... and i am talking about the texture of the gui not the gui itselve .. the gui itselve works but the texture wont work outside of eclipse .. anny sugestions on why it dusnt work outside eclipse ??
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