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Everything posted by MorpheusZero

  1. So after 5 hours and no luck, I just deleted all of the Proxy classes and the game launches fine. I don't feel like wasting another day trying to figure out something so ridiculous. The proxies were not used to render anything anyway, they were just there in case I needed them one day.
  2. I would like to add that I have the same mods for version 1.6.2, I was simply updating to 1.6.4. Same code. Nothing has changed.
  3. Crash Info I'm having an issue with CommonProxy and launching Minecraft. I've searched around the forums and could find no one with the same issue, although similar ones and none of the mentioned works for me. I can boot the game normally inside of Eclipse and all of my mods work perfectly. So they are ready for distribution, and I package them into .Zip and put them in my mods folder and launch my regular Minecraft and I get that crash error. What would cause the game to work with Eclipse but not with the regular launcher? I've used the same code (albiet minor Forge changes) since Minecraft 1.3. I have had this issue a few times before but all I've ever done to fix it is Recompile and Reobfuscate and it would work. Well I've done that about 12 times over the past few hours and it still continues to crash. I have nothing in my CommonProxy or ClientProxy classes apart from the minimum required RegisterRenderThings() and the @Override in the ClientProxy. I have checked and quadruple checked my imports on all of my mods and they are all correct. Any more debug help?
  4. Well I already got the code working. That's not an issue, I just need some assistance with the correct file pathing solution to FIND the file in the code. I know how to do it within my own applications, but not within the Forge and Minecraft environment...
  5. So I'm coding something that builds a list, from reading a txt file. The code itself works and has been tested outside of the realm of the Minecraft developing environment, but I can't get it to work correctly with Forge. I get a crash with file not found. So I was wondering if anyone knew what path I should be adding to find the file? As in, should I use a file path using only MY MODS directories, or should I make it look all through the minecraft folders example: ./minecraft/mods/-mymod or can I simply have it it search locally with my file path only like: /com/morpheuszero/mods/name.txt etc etc? I've tried a few different ways and II can't get it to work because I don't know which directory Forge is running from to know where to put a file path to read my file....I'm doing it this way because the information in this file needs to be easily changed by other users to be able to add the output of this file to an array list so I don't have to recode it and make the array larger it just builds itself each launch as pertaining to each user of the mod.
  6. I have 6 mods that all do different things to different mobs. But the language registry code is basically the same. But I figured it out now. I spent two days trying to find a complex issue to my coding and it turns out it was something simple that I was overlooking.
  7. I have done that too. None of it is working. As I've said I have all 5 of my other mods setup the exact same way and they all function perfectly but this one will not.
  8. Thanks for your willingness to help but nothing is working. LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("entity.rebelsnowmen.RebelSnowman.name", "RebelSnowman"); I've switched things around a few dozen times to make it work and to no avail. I'm just going to scrap the project. I'm too frustrated with why my other mods work perfectly like this and this one doesn't. Thanks.
  9. I tried that. I'm not sure what the problem is. All of my mods use this exact same code with the COREUtil.modName<NUMBER> in them. I tried it without using my COREUtil like you mentioned above but it always looks the same in-game. I've tried writing about 5 different ways and to no avail. I just can't comprehend why ALL 5 of my other mods this code works fine but this one doesn't. @Mod(modid = COREUtil.modID5, name = COREUtil.modName5, version = COREUtil.versionNumber5, dependencies = COREUtil.modDependancies5) @NetworkMod(clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false) public class RebelSnowmenBase { public static boolean configFireArrows; public static int configHealth; @SidedProxy( clientSide = COREUtil.proxyClient, serverSide = COREUtil.proxyServer) public static CommonProxy proxy; @EventHandler public void preModInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { /** * Handles configuration file */ Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile()); // loading the configuration from its file config.load(); configFireArrows = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "FIERY_ARROWS_AT_NIGHT", false).getBoolean(true); configHealth = config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "SNOWMAN_MAX_HEALTH", 15).getInt(); // saving the configuration to its file config.save(); } @EventHandler public void modInit(FMLInitializationEvent event) { /** * Register MorphSnowman & Create Spawn Egg */ EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityMorphSnowman.class, "RebelSnowman", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId(), 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000); EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityMorphSnowman.class, "RebelSnowman", 3, this, 64, 3, true); EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityMorphSnowman.class, 5, 1, 1, EnumCreatureType.monster, BiomeGenBase.taiga, BiomeGenBase.taigaHills); LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("entity."+COREUtil.modName5 +".EntityMorphSnowman.name", COREUtil.entityNameSnowman0); } @EventHandler public void modsLoaded(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { } }
  10. So i searched and couldn't find anything. I have about 5 or 6 small mods and almost all of them spawn in a custom version of a vanilla mob. Each mob in-game shows the regular names when you are killed by them or spawn eggs. (Killed by Creeper. Killed by Zombie, etc) Well this one mod, I cannot figure out why the name of my mob shows as for example, "Killed by entity.rebelsnowman.name" I use basically identical code for all of them and this one out of 6 doesn't work and it's making my brain explode that I can't figure it out. LanguageRegistry.instance().addStringLocalization("entity."+COREUtil.modName5 +".EntityMorphSnowman.name", COREUtil.entityNameSnowman0); Help please?
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