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  1. Hello. I have custom bookshelf in my mod and it is a container with 9 possible states and 4 directions. Each state defines amount of items inside bookshelf (0- and block changes texture for each state. Because I have 32 possible combinations, I'm using 3 block IDs to store all states in metadata: [*]Empty bookshelf (4 directions) [*]Half-full bookshelf (4 directions, 1-4 items) [*]Full bookshelf (4 directions, 5-8 items) The question is: Isn't it better to use one block ID with direction in metadata and call TileEntity to decide which state the bookshelf have to render appropriate texture? How much more processing will it take?
  2. So logoFile doesn't have to work? I have latest version of Forge, and logos doesn't display in mod list.
  3. Oh shoot, i registered the block but forgot about tile entity. Thank you, everything works perfectly now. And yeah, I'll extend it properly now. I'm not into OOP
  4. I copied daylight detector into my mod by replacing default one in mod file Block.blocksList[daylightSensorID] = null; daylightSensorModded = new BlockDaylightDetectorModded(daylightSensorID).setHardness(0.2F).setStepSound(Block.soundWoodFootstep).setUnlocalizedName("daylightDetector").func_111022_d("daylight_detector").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabRedstone); And copied BlockDaylightDetector and TileEntityDaylightDetector classes, but the modded daylight sensor doesn't work upon world load (only when I break and place it again) Anybody know why does that happen?
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