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Everything posted by nglen

  1. For some reason I keep recieving an error when extending any function or variable of Item.java saying it doesn't exist. What am I doing wrong? Crash Report: Classes:
  2. When I tried to create a node in a jar, as soon as I right clicked with the wand it crashed. When I logged back on, the structure was half deleted, the aura node was replaced with a currisponding node in a jar. However, the node in the jar had 5 of each of the original aspects and when I tried to break it it dropped nothing. My minecraft is hevely modded which makes it hard to figure out the source. Version:1.6.4 Mods: First Log(from when I logged on until the crash):https://gist.github.com/anonymous/93d6f43436ca454e9b7d Crash Log:https://gist.github.com/anonymous/4fb9d1ca4491905498c6 Second Log(from relog to end):https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b8c1c94bbe65becdd08d
  3. thank you, I'm new to this so I'm still not the best
  4. Base class piece @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { // Initialize the log helper LogHelper.init(); // Load the localization files into the LanguageRegistry LocalizationHandler.loadLanguages(); // Initialize the configuration ConfigurationHandler.init(new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory() .getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + Reference.CHANNEL_NAME + File.separator + Reference.MOD_ID + ".cfg")); // Register the Sound Handler (Client only) proxy.registerSoundHandler(); // Initialize mod items ModItems.init(); // Initialize mod stats new Stats(null).init(); } Stats class public class Stats { public double hpup; public static double hpmax; private Minecraft mc; public Stats(Minecraft mc) { super(); this.mc = mc; } public void init() { hpmax = 300.0D; this.mc.thePlayer.func_110148_a(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111267_a).func_111128_a(hpmax); } public void sethp() { hpup = hpmax / 100 * 10; hpmax = hpmax + hpup; if (hpmax > 9999) { hpmax = 9999.0D; } this.mc.thePlayer.func_110148_a(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111267_a).func_111128_a(hpmax); this.mc.thePlayer.setHealth((float) hpmax); } } how can I fix this null pointer error when trying to call stats.init
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