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  1. Yes now all textures work, except the monorailPowered one. Can you take a look at it please. I can't find what I am doing wrong with it.
  2. Yeah that is what I am trying to do. Was wondering if there is a way to make it in one line and now have to write all of the blocks one by one. I am now trying with one block but it says that "argument Item might be null" for setCustomModelResourcesLocation(item) P.S: Ok it seems I have to write all of them one by one. It works now. Thanks a lot P.S: Can you take a look at the MonorailPowered as it doesnt have a texture at all even when placed and it doesn't work as a powered rail(before it did with this code)
  3. I am trying this: @Override public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { super.preInit(event); ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(Item.getItemFromBlock(block), 0, new ModelResourceLocation(block.getRegistryName(), "inventory")); } But this gives errors at Item.getItemFromBlock(block) and block.getRegistryName(). I am not sure how exactly I have to call it. I wants the same arguments but the block thing is missing from the parameters.
  4. In the tutorial I watched to try and fix the issue. The EMBase.registerRenders I called registerRender(whiteWoolRail) for example but that didn't affect anything. Also I am not sure how to use the ModelLoader.setCustomModelREsourcesLocation. Can you provide a tutorial somewhere? I updated the github.
  5. Hello, I just got back into updating my mod again. I haven't look into in for the last 2 years. My github is this : https://github.com/BlazeAxtrius/ExpandedRailsMod I know the code looks really bad but I do not have a lot of time and I pretty much should rewrite the entire thing from scratch because it looks really bad at the moment. I tried various ways to try and fix the textures in the inventory but they always show as purple and black. I managed to get the textures to work when I place the rail but not in the inventory. Thanks in advance for the help.
  6. Can someone please look at my Github and try to see why the GUI doesn't open? Here is the GitHub https://github.com/BlazeAxtrius/ExpandedRailsMod/tree/master/src/main/java/com/expanded/rails/mod The crafting table is in "blocks" folder The gui and everything about it are in "gui" folder The IGuiHandler is in the CommonProxy.
  7. Ok so i changed the code a little. Here is the new GitHub https://github.com/BlazeAxtrius/ExpandedRailsMod The problem is that the Gui doesn't open and the game doesn't show any errors. I saw the GutHub of an other mod and tried to make my crafting table as in the other mod because i know it works there but i just managed to not get the gui again. Also the purple/black texture disappeared but that is not the main issue.
  8. I tried a lot of things to try and fix this thing and still just can't figure it out.
  9. As i said before. Currently I have no time.
  10. I didn't copy bits and pieces. I copied the full code from 1.7.10 to 1.8. After that I try to fix it. Also considering it worked for 1.7.10 and my horrible java skills. I just try to understand what you mean.
  11. Ok, I managed to make it open but the game crashes with this error:
  12. Oh yeah sorry didn't check that class for it. I removed the "NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(this, guiHandlerRailsCraftingTable);" Doesn't really do anything as you said but I still don't get why the gui can't open.
  13. It is registered in the main mod class. public GuiHandlerRailsCraftingTable guiHandlerRailsCraftingTable = new GuiHandlerRailsCraftingTable(); NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(this, guiHandlerRailsCraftingTable); Also I saw this "player.openGui(TutorialMain.instance, 3, world, (int) player.posX, (int) player.posY, (int) player.posZ);" I don't have anything like that. Should I have it and where do I have to put it?
  14. You shouldn't be sorry. I build this mod with a friend of mine just by watching tutorials. After we made it I had to update it on my own cause he didn't want to. And since I have absolutely no time, I try to fix everything as fast as possible, just so it can work for every version in minecraft. Do i have to register it in the ClientProxy? because I only registered it in mod class.
  15. So now that I fixed my rails. I tried to fix the crafting table but the Gui doesn't open. Here is the GitHub page : https://github.com/BlazeAxtrius/ExpandedRailsMod/tree/master/src/main/java/com/expanded/rails/mod/gui The Crafting Table : https://github.com/BlazeAxtrius/ExpandedRailsMod/tree/master/src/main/java/com/expanded/rails/mod/blocks I tried a lot of tutorials and stuff but they didn't work.
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