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Posts posted by Nzkiwi

  1. Set JAVA_HOME to the


    directory in your Java installation folder.


    kiwi@kiwi-gigabyte:~/Desktop/forge-1.7.10-$ export $JAVA_HOME '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/bin'
    bash: export: `/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386': invalid identifier
    bash: export: `/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/bin': invalid identifier

  2. TL;DR : Having problems with java location. It's correct, but gradlew thinks it's not and refuses to work




    I have problems with setting up forge SDK


    kiwi@kiwi-gigabyte:~$ echo $JAVA_HOME 
    kiwi@kiwi-gigabyte:~/Desktop/forge-1.7.10-$ ./gradlew
    ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386
    Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
    location of your Java installation.


    The java home dir is set correctly - that's where the java files are.


    What's wrong with gradle?


  3. Hello,

    I'm trying to start back modding,

    I'm on linux,

    and i have the following problem:

    kiwi@kiwi-gigabyte:~/Desktop/forge-1.7.10-$ ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace
    ERROR: JAVA_HOME is set to an invalid directory: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-i386/bin/
    Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
    location of your Java installation.

    My java installation is in the dir listed there (/usr/lib/jvm/...)

    How can i fix this?

    I use ubuntu 13.04, if this information helps


    A note to lexmanos:

    Thanks for the help then, it still doesn't work, but i'm glad you tried :)

    There's no /usr/java directory on my system.

  4. > Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory.

    Perhaps you should follow its directions and setup your JAVA_HOME variable correctly, or add the JDK's bin folder to your PATH.


    My JAVA_HOME var i set correctly (echo $JAVA_HOME prints /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_27)

    How do i add JDK's bin folder to PATH?

  5. 1. This goes to Modder Support, especially the ForgeGradle subforum



    I wanted to post it there burt i got afraid of http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,15196.0.html

    Trying the commands you've posted:


    gradlew clean OK

    gradlew cleanCache OK

    gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies Failed at :makeStart

    Here's log:


    kiwi@kiwi:/media/home/forge-modding/forge-1.7.10-$ ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies

    The assetDir is deprecated!  Use runDir instead! runDir set to eclipse/assets/..


    Powered By MCP:           


    Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r,

    R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn     

    MCP Data version : unknown







    Current status: 1/686  0%

    Current status: 35/686  5%

    Current status: 66/686  9%

    Current status: 109/686  15%

    Current status: 189/686  27%

    Current status: 260/686  37%

    Current status: 266/686  38%

    Current status: 301/686  43%

    Current status: 349/686  50%

    Current status: 413/686  60%

    Current status: 432/686  62%

    Current status: 476/686  69%

    Current status: 546/686  79%

    Current status: 549/686  80%

    Current status: 620/686  90%

    :makeStart FAILED


    FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


    * What went wrong:

    Execution failed for task ':makeStart'.

    > Cannot find System Java Compiler. Ensure that you have installed a JDK (not just a JRE) and configured your JAVA_HOME system variable to point to the according directory.


    * Try:

    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.




    Total time: 1 mins 51.649 secs

  6. Hello,

    In this post I'd like to start an unofficial [de]obfuscated names list, because many people can't find for example material names and Block class methods. I hope this isssue will disappear fastly, because it's a huge problem. So here it goes, what i have guessed after analysis of basic Minecraft source:


    I hope this helps, I'll be adding more deobfuscated names.

    Thank you for all the names! Now we can start easy modding!


    The list:

    Creative tabs Nice, this one isn't obfuscated.


    Material Found by WorldsEnder

    field_151579_a : MaterialAir

    field_151579_b : MaterialGrass

    field_151578_c : MaterialDirt

    field_151575_d : MaterialWood (like bookshelf, etc.)

    field_151576_e : MaterialStone

    field_151576_e : MaterialMachine (hopper, cauldron and brewingStand)

    field_151574_g : MaterialAnvil

    field_151586_h : MaterialWater

    field_151587_i : MaterialLava

    field_151584_j : MaterialLeaves

    field_151585_k : MaterialPlant (+cocaoBeans) (can not be replaced and doesn't burn)

    field_151582_l : MaterialGrass (can be replaced and burns)

    field_151583_m : MaterialSponge

    field_151580_n : MaterialBed

    field_151581_o : MaterialFire

    field_151595_p : MaterialSoulSand

    field_151594_q : MaterialLogic (redstone, rails and flowerpots, lever, torches and tripwire)

    field_151593_r : MaterialCarpet

    field_151592_s : MaterialBeacon (+stainedGlass)

    field_151591_t : MaterialRedstoneLight

    field_151590_u : MaterialTNT

    field_151589_v : MaterialCoral //Yes, the old coral [Thanks to clashthegame for making a research :)]

    field_151588_w : MaterialIce

    field_151598_x : MaterialPackedIce

    field_151597_y : MaterialSnow

    field_151596_z : MaterialSnowBlock

    field_151570_A : MaterialCactus

    field_151571_B : MaterialClay (+silverfish)

    field_151572_C : MaterialMelon

    field_151566_D : MaterialDragonEgg

    field_151567_E : MaterialPortal

    field_151568_F : MaterialCake

    field_151569_G : MaterialWeb

    func_151565_r(): returns the color on the map


    World Found by PlatonCraft

    func_147437_c(int, int, int) : isAirBlock(posX, posY, posZ) //Checks whether block on coords is air or not

    func_147439_a(int, int, int) : getBlock(posX, posY, posZ) //What block is on coords

    func_147449_b(int, int, int, Block) : setBlock(posX, posY, posZ, Blocks.block) //Spawns block block to coords

    func_149664_b(WorldClient, int, int, int, int): onBlockDestroyed(worldClient, posX, posY, posZ, metadata)


    Block Found by PlatonCraft and Me

    func_149647_a(CreativeTabs) - sets the creative tab

    field_149770_b - returns the name of the block (eg. "diamond_ore")

    field_149788_p = Block.SoundType("anvil", 0.3F, 1.0F)

    func_149671_p() - it seems this is an init() method of block namespaces

    func_149672_a() - gets the sound type

    func_149682_b(Block) - returns the ID of Block

    func_149688_o() - returns the block's material

    func_149688_o() : getBlockMaterial() //gets block material

    func_149730_j() - if true, the block can't be replaced by leaves

    func_149732_F() : getLocalizedName() //gets localized name of block

    func_149733_h() - returns block's IIcon

    func_149739_a() : getUnlocalizedName() //gets tile.unlocalizedname

    func_150495_a() - return stone dig sound id ("dig.stone")

    func_150496_b() - returns anvil land sound id ("random.anvil_land")


    KeyBidings Found by WorldEnder

    field_151471_f: Category

    field_151472_e: keyCode2 ?duplicate? this one is never changed

    func_151462_b(int p_151462_1_): setKeyCode(int newCode)

    func_151464_g(): description

    func_151466_e(): category

    func_151469_h(): keyCode2, never changed

    func_151470_d(): return isPressed

    KeyBinding(String p_i45001_1_, int p_i45001_2_, String p_i45001_3_): KeyBinding(description, keyCode, category)


    ChatStye found by mercrutio

    ChatStyle.func_150227_a(boolean) : setIsBold(boolean)

    ChatStyle.func_150217_b(boolean) : setIsItalic(boolean)

    ChatStyle.func_150225_c(boolean) : setIsStruckout(boolean)

    ChatStyle.func_150228_d(boolean) : setIsUnderlined(boolean)


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