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    Inside Eclipse ... 24/7
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    Developer in Progress ;)

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  1. So my compromise was to make one BlockOre.class and inside put the method: public int idDropped(int par1, Random par2Random, int par3) { if (blockID == MyBlocks.myOre1.blockID) { return MyItems.myGem1.itemID; } if (blockID == MyBlocks.myOre2.blockID) { return MyItems.myGem2.itemID; } if (blockID == MyBlocks.myOre3.blockID) { return MyItems.myGem3.itemID; } return blockID; }
  2. Ah, I see. Is there a way in which all three of my ores can share one BlockOre file and use if statements to check what their block ID is then drop the corresponding id of the item?
  3. So, by looking at the title you're probably passing me up as an average Joe that knows no code, but you are wrong! *dun, dun, duuuun!* More seriously, though, I have 3 different ore blocks and I want them all to drop gems of themselves (say RubyOre drops RubyGem) but I refuse to make classes for them just to say I want them to drop these items. rubyOre = new Block(MASS_Info.rubyOreID, Material.rock); That is the example I want to use. I want my ores to just be basic blocks and to Extend Block and not have to create individual classes. My question is can I change what they drop in my base classes init() method? For example, is there a method or a function to do so? Thanks!
  4. Right, you need the normal version of the mod and the api/ dev for it. Put the normal version in jars/mods and open the api/ dev in a zip opener (7zip/ winrar) and then go into src/minecraft and inside that drag the api/ dev folder into the minecraft folder so it would be src/minecraft/chickenbones or whatever the api is named. Then, go into eclipse and it should be in there under src
  5. I don't think this would be impossible but before you plan to make this, I do want to say that structures as big as those would induce a lot of lag to the player's client and could crash it, maybe try making more, just smaller scaled.
  6. So, I am thinking of sticking with 'Minecraft Assembly' and using the abbreviation, 'MASS' as most of my code already uses this and 'MASS' sounds quite catchy to me. Thanks to everyone who contributed, +1 to you
  7. Hehe, I prefer something a bit more original!
  8. Thanks for your help, I will take your names into consideration
  9. I quite like MASS, I can do something with that, thank you!
  10. Well it adds additions to the game using both industrial craft 2 and thaumcraft 3, so it sort of acts as a bridge, allowing you to hopefully upgrade wands so you can charge them with industrial craft power (EU), etc. Though, I suppose at the same time as being a bridge to both mods, it is going to add new blocks and items using unique ideas and will have a big section to it making it standalone or for use with both mods. Hope that's useful enough, thanks!
  11. Hello, I am wondering if anyone can give guidance on how I should come up with a mod name or maybe even some suggestions. I have got to a point on my mod which I believe is where I really need a name for my mod and my placeholder seems outdated. My mod is a magic/tech hybrid and uses tc3 and ic2 code to create new items, whilst developing it's own sense of magic and technology with unique items. If you can't help with that, could you give me a 2-3 letter, abbreviation of my placeholder mod name, "Minecraft Assembly". Edit: I know this is not as important as people who are in need of coding, please help them, but it is quite important when developing a mod. Thank you! -- B
  12. OKay, finished setting up my workspace, thanks to vswe, so I will try it out! Thanks everyone
  13. Is that on 1.5? If so, it may be due to the fact I just updated to 1.6? Thanks
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