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Everything posted by mjmr89

  1. So I'm trying to set up my eclipse environment as Pahimar does, but after I try to add his EE3 as he does in episode 4, it seems like EE3 is asking for packages that mcp/forge does not. I can launch Minecraft from Eclipse perfectly fine so that seems like its set up right, but I have the feeling that I'm getting EE3 for 1.6.2 or something. I cloned the EE3 git repo as it is right now, it says the latest official version is 1.5.2 - which is what I want. Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here? Some examples of what EE3 is asking for and I dont have: net.minecraft.util.ChatMessageComponent cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation net.minecraft.block.BlockColored All in all, there are 118 errors related to these missing imports.
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