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Everything posted by AskHow1248

  1. New problem. I've updated my mcp to 1.6.2, but now I get an error in your ItemStore class.
  2. Your common proxy doesn't work with 1.5.2.
  3. Did you override or edit the function directly? You shouldn't see any changes to default blocks if you put it in your block class file with the @Override annotation. Sorry. By Ice and Leaves I mean my block when it tries to copy Ice and Leaves
  4. I have overridden getBlockColor like this: public int getBlockColor() { if(blockToCopy != null) { return blockToCopy.getBlockColor(); } return 16777215; } Where blockToCopy is the block whose texture I'm using. Also: Leaves do the same thing as grass. Plus it makes Ice opaque and some blocks (tall grass) use the wrong render type.
  5. I want to a keystone like item but I don't have any idea how to make a item have an inventory.
  6. This works for the textures but the colors dont show up (grass is gray). I think I need to override the getRenderColor method in Block but I don't get the world and the cords as arguments. Also, what does getBlockTextureDirectional do?
  7. Thanks a lot. I did the tile entity since I'm going to have to use one anyway.
  8. Thank you. Know the block is working but when I place it it just shows it's normal texture (dosn't camoflauge). Do I need to override onBlockPlace? Code:
  9. I think I have the texture code working but when I try to place an Illusion Block I get a ClassCastException. Code:
  10. How do I tell minecraft what texture to use.
  11. another update: I have a method to get the block i wand to model, but am not sure what to do from there. Is there a way to get and use the texture of a whole block (getIcon uses sides)?
  12. Update: dose anyone know how to get a block from it's id, or cords in a world.
  13. Thank you. What I'm going to try is to create a tileEntity and make a method in the tileEntity class to find the block i want to model. In the block class I'll make the texture of the block be the getIcon of the block I'm going to model.
  14. I'm trying to make a block that blends in with it's surroundings, like a Ars Magica Illusion Block or a secret Rooms Mod Camo Block. I have absolutely no idea how to go about this. Any help would be appreciated. update: I think it might have something to do with the getBlockTexture method in the Block class.
  15. I have made some magic armor (gravitite) that allows you to fly, but when I take it off, I can still fly. I want it to be able to work with other ways of flight though (like Thaumcraft's Thermostatic Harness or Ars Magica's Flight Spell). Edit: it works properly if I take the gravitite chestplate off and put the Earth chestplate on instead. My code is: Tick Handler: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.potion.Potion; import net.minecraft.potion.PotionEffect; import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe; import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.ITickHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType; public class ServerTickHandler implements ITickHandler { private boolean isWearingGravitite; private boolean isWearingEarthChest; //you keep flying once you take the armor off private void onPlayerTick(EntityPlayer player) { if (player != null && player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(4) != null && player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(3) != null && player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(2) != null && player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(1) != null) { ItemStack Helmet = player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(4); ItemStack Chestplate = player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(3); ItemStack Leggings = player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(2); ItemStack Boots = player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(1); ItemStack EarthChestplate = new ItemStack(MagicOres.EarthChestplate); isWearingGravitite = (Helmet.getItem() == MagicOres.GravititeHelmet && Chestplate.getItem() == MagicOres.GravititeChestplate && Leggings.getItem() == MagicOres.GravititeLeggings && Boots.getItem() == MagicOres.GravititeBoots); isWearingEarthChest = (Chestplate.getItem() == MagicOres.EarthChestplate || Chestplate == EarthChestplate); if (isWearingGravitite == true) { player.capabilities.allowFlying = true; player.sendPlayerAbilities(); player.setFlying(true); } if(player.capabilities.isCreativeMode == false && (isWearingGravitite == false || player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(4).getItem() != MagicOres.GravititeHelmet || player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(3).getItem() != MagicOres.GravititeChestplate || player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(2).getItem() != MagicOres.GravititeLeggings || player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(1).getItem() != MagicOres.GravititeBoots)) { player.capabilities.allowFlying = false; player.capabilities.isFlying = false; player.isAirBorne = true; player.onGround = false; player.sendPlayerAbilities(); } //won't work if (player.getCurrentItemOrArmor(3) == EarthChestplate) { player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.resistance.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.damageBoost.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.digSpeed.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSlowdown.getId(), 20, 0)); } if (isWearingEarthChest) { player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.resistance.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.damageBoost.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.digSpeed.getId(), 20, 1)); player.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSlowdown.getId(), 20, 0)); } } } @Override public void tickStart(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { if (type.equals(EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER))) { onPlayerTick((EntityPlayer) tickData[0]); } } @Override public void tickEnd(EnumSet<TickType> type, Object... tickData) { } @Override public EnumSet<TickType> ticks() { return EnumSet.of(TickType.PLAYER, TickType.SERVER); } @Override public String getLabel() { return null; } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Armor Class (chestplate): -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import RickyRyan.mod.MagicOres.common.MagicOres; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.EnumArmorMaterial; import net.minecraft.item.ItemArmor; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.world.World; public class ItemGravititeChestplate extends ItemArmor { public ItemGravititeChestplate(int par1, EnumArmorMaterial par2EnumArmorMaterial, int par3, int par4) { super(par1, par2EnumArmorMaterial, par3, par4); } public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) { itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon("MagicOres:GravititeChestplate"); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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