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Everything posted by kitsushadow

  1. Hi, I setup eclipse luna in linux mint. I followed this tutorial to set it up http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=14048.0 the steps were - Install & Run Minecraft 1.7.10 ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace (When i ran this it shows extractMinecraftSrc as skipped) maybe i need to move the minecraft.jar there??? ./gradlew eclipse Opened Eclipse and pointed to the eclipse file in the forge folder. But when i look at the src/main file in the package explorer there is nothing there.
  2. dude, i wish i could give you over 9000 thank you's lol I've got it working. =D Thanks Again
  3. I tried the first and second method and I got the same errors. Is there anything else it could be. Perhaps with registering the texture?
  4. for private static final ResourceLocation resourceloc2 = new ResourceLocation(""); in the quotes i've tried many file paths. The .png im trying to render is in: src/minecraft/assets/objtutorial/textures/blocks/XXXXX.png When I start up the client it gives the me the error: 2013-10-02 15:00:11 [sEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] Using missing texture, unable to load: minecraft:textures/blocks/MISSING_ICON_TILE_1000_TutBox.png when attempt to place the block it gives me the error: Im using Forge Build 1.6.4-
  5. I've made a .obj for my block but im having difficulty understanding how to render the .obj to my block. I've read multiple tutorials but all of them disregard adding where or how they register the block or the item. Or go over how the the .obj is being rendered to the block. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Was setting up my base classes and sampleitems / blocks but was getting this error.
  7. I'm looking to for information on how the GUI system works. Either a tutorial or written walk/through would do. My eventual goal is to build a little mini game type GUI that uses hidden buttons for the player to press and move pieces around in the GUI. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank You
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