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  1. @Fir3Will The dots are normal. It has to download a 22mb file, and so give it time.
  2. where are you calling addAllRecipes? because you'll probably want to call that in your mod's post init method so other mods can register their recipes before you add them. Or, a better approach would be to access the FurnaceRecipes from the getFurnaceResult. get the result from FurnaceRecipes, double the stack size, then return it. use the exact code from the for loop in your addAllRecipes method, but instead of getting the recipe from the list, call FurnaceRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(itemStack)
  3. The first one seems like it works, so I'll use that. Thanks.
  4. quas, I fixed that without changing the source here. superckl, I did that. still doesn't work.
  5. I had this library see, and I was wondering what would be the best way to load it so my mods can use it. Thanks!
  6. all the packages are there. and I tried setting up a new MCP.
  7. The aether mod has a main menu api. Try looking into that.
  8. you can create your own reactor, and then replace the existing IC2 reactor with it. You can extend the original reactor if you wish as well. There should be some kind of onTick method in TileEntity as well.
  9. toggling a boolean, means, you have a boolean b, b = !b; that basically means if it is true, it becomes false, and vice-versa.
  10. it turns out, the isUsableByPlayer was returning false. so that's my problem. Thank you.
  11. So, I have a GUI, it shows up for a moment then suddenly disappears. GUIHandler.java http://pastebin.com/VaJcgT4D GUIItemInput.java http://pastebin.com/EkAwp6M7 ContainerItemInput.java http://pastebin.com/5Nn7Dp3U Any other classes you need, feel free to ask.
  12. Mods don't need their own namespace. It is possible to just include two mods together. So, for instance, you can have both: sample.mod1.Mod1 and sample.mod2.Mod2 in one mcp tree. Patch files are made from the diff command, but I don't know how these people generate them.
  13. http://pastebin.com/a4AncmAb http://pastebin.com/XkSmBFE4 I get ClassNotFoundException. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54190418/OverhaulCraft/OverhaulCraft-0.0.5.zip This is my mod. It works fine in eclipse, but doesn't work obfuscated for some reason.
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