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  1. First off, I'm developing on Linux using typical cli tools and vim, no eclipse involved. I've begun work on a pretty simple Thaumcraft plugin. Though I'm fairly experience with Java, Forge is entirely new ground to me. I've mostly been following the tutorials on the wiki to get my bearings. I'm having some trouble registering textures, however. At present I've got a single mob and a single item showing up in game. I can't seem to get either of them textured, though. Forge happens to be installed at ~/mcdev/ The relevant line from my item class constructor (I've tried chaining as well, to no avail): setTextureName("thaumicgrimoires:grimoireNix"); Now, as I understand it from having read tutorials, this string *should* eventually resolve to ~/mcdev/forge/mcp/src/minecraft/assets/thaumicgrimoires/textures/items/grimoireNix.png, which is where I've placed my texture. I've also placed a texture for the mob at ~/mcdev/forge/mcp/src/minecraft/assets/thaumicgrimoires/textures/models/grimoireNix.png. Of course, when the game attempts to load either of these textures, they cannot be found and the default missing texture is used instead. From having read this thread and this thread, I've found I'm not alone. Unfortunately, either things have changed a bit since TheGreyGhost made that post, or I'm doing something horribly wrong (possibly both). Trying to put a break and log statement in AbstractResourcePack.java reveals that this.basePath isn't defined at that point. Instead I elected to chase after TextureMap.java, since a quick grep revealed a variable basePath. Putting a log statement to print out the value of basePath at that point give me 'textures/blocks' and 'textures/items'. Certainly not the path I'm looking for. I understand that eclipse winds up doing "something" to get things to play nicely, but I can't figure out what. In other words, I'm stumped. help pls
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