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Veovis Muaddib

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. I'm starting to use gradle for 1.6.4, and soon 1.7.2 for some mods. These mods will be open source. How should I share my code, should I include the gradle scripts and workspace, in order to ensure contributors can have a similar environment? Or should I limit my repository to only the sources and instruct contributors to put the sources in the right place?
  2. This worked perfectly, though I had trouble because my resource path was already defined in code as an absolute path rather than a relative path, and it caused some issues. I got everything up to the directory check working by using Main.class, but I couldn't get the directory check to work. Once I switched over to relative path I could use the classloader instead of the main class, and now I recursively search folders for children without worry. Thanks again!
  3. No, don't do that! It sounds right when you're new, but it's like sounding out words when you learn to read. You have to go through your code line by line and figure out what each one does on its own. Let's try that: { if (itemStack.itemID == CanadianMod.skates.itemID && (world.getBlockId(par2, par3-1, par4) == Block.ice.blockID)){ Block.ice.slipperiness = 0.00F; } } If the item is a pair of skates and the block below the player is ice All ice in the world (In every dimension) now has 0 slipperiness forever. (Since you're not saving the current slipperiness and setting it back.) Changing the slipperiness of an individual block in a cube based game isn't reasonable: you want to cheat. Easiest way would probably be by multiplying the player's current velocity until they hit a max.
  4. Thank you very much, I'll try that out!
  5. Ah. Simple, concise, and clear, thanks. That explains why I couldn't find anything with more generic searches on loading from classpath, though I'm surprised there wasn't a similar explanation. I've got the basics set up reading from a config file, but I was reading files with groups of symbols in them. I was hoping to switch to reading a single symbol per file (to cut down on json indentation levels) as I switched to reading from assets. But if I'll need to maintain an index then I'll just keep using grouped files.
  6. I'm looking to add content to my mod from inside the assets folder. However I'm not sure what the accepted style for doing that is, and how it might interact with resource packs and such. My goal is to iterate over a directory inside Assets/modid/, find all the files with a specific extension, and get an instance of FileReader for each. Example directory structure: Assets/modid lang symbolscolors Pink.symbol Tan.symbol [*]lengths SeventhLength.symbol FifthLength.symbol ThirdLength.symbol TripleLength.symbol QuintupleLength.symbol SeptupleLength.symbol RealLength.symbol EDIT: Fixed list formatting
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