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Posts posted by TechieCrow

  1. V2.5.0 Update!

    • Updated apples to have a stack of 64...
    • Added books to tell a story of the mod, more books will come with more updates.
    • Updated Xen Beast's model
    • Added 2 more tiers of tools and armour.
    • Updated the update checker URL to my Dropbox account.
    • Removed ALL ore, tool and armour effects from config, this will come back later.
    • Sooo much code clean up... AGAIN.

    Almost 6 months since the last update but I have plans for the next couple update that will reveal more about Xenorite.

  2. Added all Xenorite armour to randomly show on Xen Beast.

    Completely removed GUIFactory due to error messages.

    Fixed Xen Beast sounds (Idle Sound, Hurt Sound, Death Sound)

    Added Xenorite shovel, Coreorite Axe and Finorite Hoe to bonus chests & (hopefully) to all dungeon chests.

    Added active/not active info on heavenly glint and shadow boron swords and pickaxes.


    Decided to add some tools to the bonus and dungeon chests as well as adding a "activated" and "not activated" info on the things that can be activated, this should make it clear if you actually have it activated or not instead of looking at the potion effects. :D

  3. Hey all I've got a little problem with addChatMessage, when activated it sends the chat message twice.

    public void onBlockClicked(World world, int i, int j, int k, EntityPlayer entity)
    	entity.addPotionEffect((new PotionEffect(Potion.moveSpeed.getId(), 300, 0)));
    	entity.addPotionEffect((new PotionEffect(Potion.digSpeed.getId(), 300, 1)));
    	entity.addChatMessage((new ChatComponentText("Test")));



    As you can see it's sending the message twice instead of once when the block is clicked once.


    Any help would be much appreciated. :)


    Thanks all!

  4. Hey guys so I'm very confused with this right now as it used top work then all of a sudden stopped.


    So it seems like to get this to work on a server I have to comment out or remove "RenderingRegistry.addNewArmourRendererPrefix("5");" from the main class but then if you was to use this on a client it won't render the armor so in order to really use this on a server there will be two versions, one for server and one for client but the strange thing is it used to work just fine before, I really don't know what happened.


    Heres the main class:


    (Sorry about the mess. xD)

  5. Thanks guys, it's really helped I have now managed to get textures to show up for the armor only problem now is it's the wrong textures :3


    Here the code I've been working with:




    static EnumArmorMaterial xenorite = EnumHelper.addArmorMaterial("xenorite", 25, new int[] { 2, 6, 5, 2 }, 9);


    		XenoriteHelmet = (new XenoriteHelmet(XenoriteHelmetID, xenorite, 5, 0));	//Xenorite Helmet
    	LanguageRegistry.addName(XenoriteHelmet, "Xenorite Helmet");
    	XenoriteChestplate = (new XenoriteChestplate(XenoriteChestplateID, xenorite, 5, 1));	//Xenorite Chestplate
    	LanguageRegistry.addName(XenoriteChestplate, "Xenorite Chestplate");
    	XenoriteLeggings = (new XenoriteLeggings(XenoriteLeggingsID, xenorite, 5, 2));	//Xenorite Leggings
    	LanguageRegistry.addName(XenoriteLeggings, "Xenorite Leggings");
    	XenoriteBoots = (new XenoriteBoots(XenoriteBootsID, xenorite, 5, 3));	//Xenorite Boots
    	LanguageRegistry.addName(XenoriteBoots, "Xenorite Boots");


    If I decrease the "5" it shows the vanilla armor textures and if I increase it, it shows no textures, from what I learned from ModLoader "5" is the next texture to be added which in this case would be xenorite_layer_ but I am new to Forge and might be missing something.



    getArmorTexture in the XenoriteHelmet.java:


    	public String getArmorTexture(ItemStack stack, Entity entity, int slot, int layer)
    if(itemID == XenoriteMain.XenoriteHelmetID)
    return "xenorite:textures/models/armor/xenorite_layer_1.png";
    else return null;


  6. Anyways, there has been some work twards 1.7 on the MCP end, and we're progressing pretty good on the gradle stuff. Nothing actually useful to the end users/modders yet, but as I said in the original post, most of us are busy getting ready for Minecon WHoo! :P

    This is a little off topic so don't mind me if you don't want to answer it here but is Forge doing any kind of event at Minecon this year? even meetups would be pretty cool :P Even though I'm not going due to finding out way too late where it was going to be. >_>

  7. Hey guys,


    Xenorite v2.5.2 for Minecraft 1.7.10




    Xenorite is a mod for Minecraft that adds more ores to the game, these ores are either good ore evil in some way or another, giving you good or bad buffs and other interesting effects, with these ores comes items such as tools, weapons and armour just like in vanilla Minecraft but of course with those interesting effects.



    Xenorite Downloads


    Official Xenorite Wiki








    Xenorite Ingot

    width=179' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/57885ef6bf389bda02f849cff420d7fb.png[/img]


    Xenorite Melted Ingot (Not Useful Right Now.)

    width=179' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/496b43d849624257d1f81028fd43754d.png[/img]


    Coreorite Ingot

    width=178' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/00caf289f224b779d1b0d97f9d6d0d8f.png[/img]


    Coreorite Melted Ingot (Not Useful Right Now.)

    width=179' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/0fbee143cd487a122ae5b56fc0b32499.png[/img]


    Finorite Ingot

    width=179' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/a12ddfacadff0a0d57ff9b5f963893bc.png[/img]


    Finorite Melted Ingot (Not Useful Right Now.)

    width=179' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/76813a27ec5105f69c221ad40a9a08c0.png[/img]


    Heavenly Glint Ingot

    width=175' height='137http://i.gyazo.com/686206beb8e7cb83d3ccf39ac3372922.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Ingot

    width=177' height='139http://i.gyazo.com/cacefc3ff03c625001ac28bcace6d03e.png[/img]


    Xenorite Weapons

    width=245' height='138http://i.gyazo.com/1fc814af8ccc1cfcf93e95028c4580fa.png[/img]


    Xenorite Tools

    width=246' height='138http://i.gyazo.com/32200ae93fbc8b1325565fb40421ef8f.png[/img]

    width=247' height='134http://i.gyazo.com/74eacb6e5b3d40851c11cab46407ea48.png[/img]

    width=243' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/c50a3132660869abee764777adfd3f10.png[/img]

    width=243' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/6fc814adbff82428212c06e6adc7607e.png[/img]


    Coreorite Weapons

    width=243' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/ccdb546f3b82f1c5effde0b1e68fbad1.png[/img]


    Coreorite Tools

    width=241' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/6a07c856a2012f3c0f11b70240ab93fe.png[/img]

    width=243' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/8de73ae5ae954e8c9aeb1aba2794c8ea.png[/img]

    width=245' height='134http://i.gyazo.com/782cd80a4398dd4d915baef98254b01c.png[/img]

    width=245' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/e652fa611a3d4df1aba2cefb8b6ab8b7.png[/img]


    Finorite Weapons



    Finorite Tools






    Heavenly Glint Weapons

    width=241' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/d8ec04d8a11c2283823444354bc0fee0.png[/img]


    Heavenly Glint Tools

    width=242' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/05f2286bcd1cc05de9c46e4bd43a6769.png[/img]

    width=244' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/2f084e80387764afa34400b1868ab895.png[/img]

    width=241' height='134http://i.gyazo.com/4082a2df179339d9a393aa8d26af960c.png[/img]

    width=242' height='133http://i.gyazo.com/b6d25640fc81b3025c2aa9ffa8af29d0.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Weapons

    width=242' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/527b512c7433cf2a93306e1c34576672.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Tools

    width=242' height='133http://i.gyazo.com/55bfacde59c8f40d2b9edf948c55b7a6.png[/img]

    width=242' height='134http://i.gyazo.com/49b31ff921ea3b269aabdd64a5188f53.png[/img]

    width=243' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/c0f9a0ad61de18402a529db96ab494cc.png[/img]

    width=243' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/18dba86611e526edcfc320c0a106a61f.png[/img]



    Xenorite Armour

    width=244' height='137http://i.gyazo.com/66aaf9bd91015adbc7aa47d18a5a359c.png[/img]

    width=243' height='137http://i.gyazo.com/6df1ad3770a2b13cff6ebb3a49396a00.png[/img]

    width=244' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/1b237d76ccb897cfe19363552d40c699.png[/img]

    width=245' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/b3f1f5219540aeb309a6d07d914028a3.png[/img]


    Coreorite Armour

    width=240' height='133http://i.gyazo.com/2eb6834884bdc2dd0687b472351a8219.png[/img]

    width=244' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/3cfb796ee10ffb4be0ec7c618fbb77bb.png[/img]

    width=243' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/ba8052b5bbe96a499b64aa4035c903f8.png[/img]

    width=242' height='134http://i.gyazo.com/50ed1d124f446bdd57dd879689b582c4.png[/img]


    Finorite Armour






    Heavenly Glint Armour

    width=239' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/98d6a7388e45ac018d8cc613a792d20d.png[/img]

    width=244' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/57233491c30df6bdc0d333756d2d8f90.png[/img]

    width=242' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/bc6db26dadd383bef8b901691222ed72.png[/img]

    width=244' height='138http://i.gyazo.com/4a48a2f82534faad9437d669619e624e.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Armour

    width=239' height='137http://i.gyazo.com/e477d784b26150b20520b4e346cb43f2.png[/img]

    width=241' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/5fb8bc3ffadbef3f7c61d5015eb63721.png[/img]

    width=240' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/dc1a97fbeed95db48a29a4fff0d0ccb5.png[/img]

    width=242' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/e11ed73a8a22e00a41ef740fad967a3f.png[/img]


    Xenorite Blocks

    width=242' height='136http://i.gyazo.com/aa18b16f11ba496b64badc53954c9415.png[/img]


    Coreorite Blocks

    width=241' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/6f48f71da2ea1c2d37bbdd6f7dbbe7f5.png[/img]


    Finorite Blocks



    Heavenly Glint Bloks

    width=242' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/5dbbc23f3ec428c3361d8a39572878c0.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Blocks

    width=244' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/930a8ee6c1d458467ed87d5253c93ce7.png[/img]


    Heavenly Glint Apple

    width=244' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/01e33be6ce1e3505c1698317942bd5b8.png[/img]


    Shadow Boron Apple

    width=244' height='135http://i.gyazo.com/a2a7a94d6d89ab7c697bef9b6e9971fb.png[/img]



    Known Bugs:



    Heavenly Glint seems to be working at night even after trying to fix this multiple times...



    Change Logs:




    • Fixed stuff again... Why do I keep forgetting this stuff? >_<


    • Fixed Heavenly Glint & Shadow Boron ores by adding there effects back to the config - Sorry I forgot to do this.


    • Updated apples to have a stack of 64...
    • Added books to tell a story of the mod, more books will come with more updates.
    • Updated Xen Beast's model
    • Added 2 more tiers of tools and armour.
    • Updated the update checker URL to my Dropbox account.
    • Removed ALL ore, tool and armour effects from config, this will come back later.
    • Sooo much code clean up... AGAIN.


    • Added new mob Ender Pig Inc with configs.
    • Added Xen Beast to spawn in dungeons.
    • Added Xen Beast spawn rate to config file.
    • Reformatted code again.
    • Added Ender Pearl drops to Ender Pig Inc.
    • Added Ender Eyes as a rare drop to Ender Pig Inc.
    • Added the updated textures made by ChewableBliss.
    • Fixed Xen Beast sounds... I think.


    • Added Shadow Boron & Heavenly Glint apples.
    • COMPLETELY redone the config file to make it easier to read and add to.
    • Added Xen Beast spawn rate to config file.
    • A LOT of other config stuff I can't remember...


    • Added all Xenorite armour to randomly show on Xen Beast.
    • Completely removed GUIFactory due to error messages.
    • Fixed Xen Beast sounds (Idle Sound, Hurt Sound, Death Sound)
    • Added Xenorite shovel, Coreorite Axe and Finorite Hoe to bonus chests & (hopefully) to all dungeon chests.
    • Added active/not active info on heavenly glint and shadow boron swords and pickaxes.


    • Added new mob Xen Beast.
    • Added an update checker.
    • Added new item Universe Soul Split.
    • Added new item Xen Beast Soul Fragment.
    • Fixed Shadow Boron armour working in the day.


    • Added effects to Heavenly Glint and Shadow Boron sword, pickaxe and armour.
    • Added Heavenly Glint to Nether ore gen.
    • Decreased the amount of ores to spawn per chunk to 1.


    • Added 5 creative tabs for blocks, armour, items, tools and weapons and added formatting to the tab names.
    • Added coloured names for all of the items.
    • Added shadow boron and heavenly glint to spawn in the nether.
    • Added hold shift for description to reduce unwanted displayed information.


    • Updated to 1.7.10
    • Block + Armour Textures Changed
    • Redone Package Structure


    • Ores now fall like sand and gravel again.
    • Ores now have a sparkle to them.
    • Armor only renders client side now making it server compatible once again.
    • Added 3 melted ingots - Smelt ingots to get them.
    • General code clean up.


    • Updated to the latest version of Forge For 1.7.2 (Forge
    • Fixed armor textures and started work on nether ores if I ever decided to enable them.


    • Updated to the latest version of Forge 1.6.4


    • Fixed crafting and smelting recipes
    • Made armor wearable but still no custom textures
    • Fixed materials - Xenorite, Coreorite and Finorite are now the same as diamond but durability is between iron and diamond.
    • Added code for new tool sets.


    • Changed some textures and added armor as items (Not wearable for now)


    • Updated to 1.6.4 but have not added armour


    • Updated To 1.6.2


    • Fixed Xenorite Textures
    • Fixed Finorite Textures





    (Me) TechieCrow (Coding)

    ChewableBliss (Redoing Textures)

    BeerCav (Ideas)

    ShadowKOD (Ideas)






    I have not posted this mod on any other website ONLY MinecraftForums, CurseForge And MinecraftForge If you see this mod on another website or another post on MinecraftForums, CurseForge And MinecraftForge like this one DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT!

  8. Please add an optional update checker.

    I hate having to go to the downloads page whenever there might be an update. :(

    Might be useful and cool to have but not completely necessary from what I've seen 90% of the time the first Forge release for new Minecraft versions are pretty stable, mainly mods themselves that need an update checker. :)


    I'm personally hoping the 1.7 update isn't as bad as the 1.6 update so there won't be too much to change and I'm also hoping MCP and Forge updates before December otherwise that's a long wait for good 1.7 mods. :(

  9. Hey guys so I know basic java and have modded a simple ore/item mod with ModLoader but now my girlfriend can use Forge 1.6 (1.5 hated her NetBook) I decided to recreate my mod with Forge but this time with a lot more different features.


    Anyway I've been following tutorials and getting to grips with Forge modding and I have managed to get my mod up to date but I cannot seem to figure out how to get custom textures to show on armor, all I did see a ModLoader method of adding textures but I believe I read it was being removed when Forge updates to 1.7 so I figured if there is a Forge method I would use that in stead to save a lot of headache, I couldn't find any tutorials that I can get to work.


    I also ways to "preload" textures, all of which doesn't seem to work anymore so I was wondering if this is still implemented?


    Any help would be really appreciated as I only started recreating my mod with Forge 2 days ago. :3

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