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Everything posted by ShortBus

  1. It's amazing the lack of patience people have. If you have a quality mod then people aren't going to be so anxious to want to update because they will understand the process (much like we as coders should.) If you don't have a quality mod then I would worry about that before I'd worry about an update to Forge. For those of your users who are overly anxious to try the new updates, that is what's great about the new MC launcher: you can very easily jump between versions without a headache. If they are anxious to play 1.7.x then they are more than welcome to do so, just without any mods. If they want your mod and wish to continue their world(s) then they will play the version(s) your mod is compatible with. Simple as that; get over it. It's not like anyone is getting hourly salaries to do this work.
  2. And we (or at least I) appreciate everything you and the MCP/Forge teams are doing and have done. Thanks for everything you do for us and the rest of the community!
  3. I would assume that everything should be as it was before this update, until Mojang decides to update another million lines of code again. Once MCP gets set then Forge can do their thing. Future updates should only be minor in comparison because the basic structure will be in place.
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