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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Can i see your Button class's please? I do know in fact there is no limit on buttons cause i've made a gui with 50+ buttons on it.
  2. So i don't know why but when i place my block it wont face me, it faces one direction no matter where i place it at. I don't know how to fix it, and i also couldn't find anyone post about it. FurnaceWeak: http://pastebin.com/Qdu1jxfP
  3. Soo its pretty simple how a cooldown works. In your onItemRightClick method you would want to do something like this private int coolDown = 0; @Override public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer player) { if(coolDown <= 0) { player.motionY = 2; coolDown = 100; // Cool down time in ticks } } Then you will need to override the onUpdate method allowing the cooldown to count down. @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemstack, world world, Entity entity, int i, boolean B) { if(coolDown > 0) coolDown--; } Soo yeah, Its pretty simple all your doing is making it count down in ticks so a player cant use it. You will want to add a if() statement to see if the cooldown is completed so the player can use the item again.
  4. So i may be dumb or missing something but i have watched tutorials everywhere and i cant figure out why i am getting this error on crafting recipes. SampleMod: http://pastebin.com/faU9vSeQ CraftingRecipes: http://pastebin.com/w4bbsS5U The error it throws is
  5. still throws a error when i change it.
  6. So i don't know why my textures don't work and i've tried anything and everything. I researched for about a hour now and tried everyones tutorials and still cant fix it. I'm also running Forge 1.7.10 Here's the error my client is throwing. Here's also my classes SampleMod: http://pastebin.com/faU9vSeQ ModBlocks: http://pastebin.com/fRTei7RV TestBlock: http://pastebin.com/D200Uabb My texture for testBlock is in the right directory
  7. Fixed it. I didnt check constants and the file got reset some how and there wasnt a MOD_ID set lol . Im dumb sorry.
  8. it is its the string name of the block in the block file
  9. I added it to the preInit and it still isnt working. Heres My PreInit
  10. So i'm new to coding and i am trying to make a simple block but i keep getting the error Here is my code: Core Class: http://pastebin.com/faU9vSeQ Core Blocks Class: http://pastebin.com/fRTei7RV TestBlock: http://pastebin.com/D200Uabb
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