Soo its pretty simple how a cooldown works.
In your onItemRightClick method you would want to do something like this
private int coolDown = 0;
public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack itemstack, World world, EntityPlayer player) {
if(coolDown <= 0) {
player.motionY = 2;
coolDown = 100; // Cool down time in ticks
Then you will need to override the onUpdate method allowing the cooldown to count down.
public void onUpdate(ItemStack itemstack, world world, Entity entity, int i, boolean B) {
if(coolDown > 0) coolDown--;
Soo yeah, Its pretty simple all your doing is making it count down in ticks so a player cant use it. You will want to add a if() statement to see if the cooldown is completed so the player can use the item again.