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Everything posted by Xyexs

  1. Pretty simple question... The thing is that in all the tutorials (except for pahimar) they keep their code inside the "forge" or "minecraft" or whatever folder, i keep it in a seperate project. They tell me to put it in "eclipse" in "forge". This is Pahimar's setup from his tutorials. My "Modding" folder where i keep modding stuff What you see when you go into the "source" folder So ... where do i put the assets folder?
  2. I trust you are right... i must have done something wrong... I deleted all the contents on the forge folder, extracted from the file from files.minecraftforge.net and ran "gradlew.bat SetupDecompWorkspace" and "gradlew.bat eclipse". Did i miss something? EDIT: I didn't, they were simply well hidden in referenced libraries Finally... back to actual coding
  3. I ran it... but where is the source folder located?
  4. Works! (followed a tutorial) Now there is just the problem that the original minecraft source isn't available... And nice mod btw
  5. By the way: 1: I am using forge 2:I can't seem to find the install.bat in Screenshot (the left one is in the "forge" folder, the right one didn't have one...)
  6. Did you have your code in a separate project? EDIT: If you did: You most likely made a new workspace, are you sure you don't have another workspace? If you didn't: You may just have deleted the project; make a new project and name it whatever your minecraft project was called before
  7. Hi! I started following Pahimar's let's mod series a while ago and... as he doesn't seem to keep them up i decided to learn elsewhere, so i just updated my forge version today. The thing is that the launchwrapper package is missing and a new main class called "Start" in "Default package" is there. The code in all the other classes still import launchwrapper and i wonder what i have done wrong...
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