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Everything posted by drmrlego

  1. Try looking at the endermens class.
  2. Yeah, that should work... But if it doesn't, then idk the problem.
  3. Lets see... you do have a problem here... public void registerIcons(IconRegister icon);{ Remove the ";" And if THAT doesn't work, then I think I know why. I am familiar with forge 916, which is what I use, but you are using 953. EDIT: Almost forgot, public static final String modid = "Snowstorm"; Put that in your main mod file. Also in your main mod file, Block snowstormBlock; Should be public static Block snowstormBlock; But once again, we are using different forge versions, so I am unsure
  4. I figured it out(I hope)! Change this... public BlockSnowstormBlock(int id, int texture, Material mat) { super(id, texture, Material.cloth); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); To this! public BlockSnowstormBlock(int id, int texture, Material mat) { super(id, texture, mat); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); That should fix it... EDIT: Wait, you should remove the "int texture" and the "texture" inside the "super(id, texture, mat);" Should be like public BlockSnowstormBlock(int id, Material mat) { super(id, mat); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); You can register textures like @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IconRegister icon){ this.blockIcon = icon.registerIcon(YourModHere.modid + ":" + "YourBlocksTextureFileNameHere"); }
  5. That is weird. I'm sorry for asking for so much, but could I see your current code? Sorry if I'm being a pain, and thanks for your patience.
  6. I'm confused, what "Side tabs"?
  7. Looks cool! Good job on it.
  8. Good mod. Definitely downloading right now.
  9. You could try looking at the QuartzOre or the minecraft worldgen class. I'll look at it now. EDIT: Couldn't find where in the code Quartz gets generated in... Maybe you could have better luck than me, though!
  10. This is for 1.6.4? Then, first off... public void gameRegisters(){ GameRegistry.registerBlock(snowstormBlock);} public void LanguageRegistry(){ LanguageRegistry.addName(snowstormBlock, "Blanket"); } First, get rid of the "public void LanguageRegistry", "public void gameRegistry", "gameRegisters();", and the "languageRegisters();" but keep the "LanguageRegistry.addName(snowstormBlock, "Blanket");" and the "GameRegistry.registerBlock(snowstormBlock);" there. Second, also in your main class file, "@Init" should be "@EventHandler" And third... public BlockSnowstormBlock(int id, int texture, Material mat) { super(texture, Material.cloth); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); Change that to... public BlockSnowstormBlock(int id, int texture, Material mat) { super(id, texture, Material.cloth); this.setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabBlock); Hope I helped
  11. Don't know exactly, but I believe that there is something like onBlockRightClick or something like that I believe?
  12. public class BlockCompressedCobblestone extends Block{ public BlockCompressedCobblestone(int id, Material par2Material) { super(id, par2Material); this.setCreativeTab(furniturecraft.FCTab); } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerIcons(IconRegister icon){ this.blockIcon = icon.registerIcon(furniturecraft.modid + ":" + "CompressedCobblestone"); } } That is my block code for my mod, and it is 1.6.4, and... public Block setBlockName(String string) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } ...indeed, it should not be there.
  13. Can I see your code please?
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