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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Robosphinx

  1. Interesting... My userdev still has all cpw.* packages in it –as well as– net.minecraftforge.fml.* in it. Thanks for pointing that out. Additionally, I haven't had the need to do sided things in forever so I just used quick hackery - I'll clean that up in a separate proxy later
  2. Hello all! I've updated a mod of mine from 1.7.10 to 1.8, everything builds properly, but on run, Forge doesn't see my mod at all. I feel like there should be something biting me in the ass by now, but it seems I've done everything right. Feel free to ask for other snippets too Main Class:
  3. Alright, I just deleted my workspace and recreated it from scratch, works just fine now.
  4. Well that's a side note anyway, I can still functionally export my mods, so back to the original problem at hand: What's up with Material.rock / Material.stone / Whatever may have replaced them? Has anyone else had success with Material.rock and I just need to recreate my workspace again or...?
  5. Not very complicated actually, it let's me keep all my projects in one workspace and the grade system is designed specifically to make that easier. I'll link to where I got the setup from if I can find it, but I'm pretty sure it came from right here in the MCF forums. And as I said before, it worked seamlessly for about 7 months before now.
  6. Just did that two days ago to get a more recent version of forge (1125), and I always set it up using gradlew setupDecompWorkspace And it has always worked just fine... Kinda at a loss here
  7. Yes and yes Most of my mods I use separate methods to keep it more organized, then call them inside their respective (in this case PreInit) method. Although, building with gradle recently went wonky; it used to package it all into a single jar, but now all it is is the Meta-Inf in that jar and I have to manually package the rest from the bin folder. Folder structure (files are in "quotations"): forge | .gradle | .settings | bin | | All my mod classes, in their folder structure (yes, compiled into classes), but not in a jar | | build | eclipse | gradle | src | | project folder | | .gradle | | build | | | libs | | | | properly named jar file, only containing "MANIFEST.MF" | | | | | | natives | | | sources | | | tmp | | | | | | ".gitignore" | | | | eclipse | | java | | resources | | | | "build.gradle" | | ".classpath" | ".project" | "build.gradle" | "gradlew" | "gradlew.bat" | "settings.gradle" (points gradle to build the project folder -as well as- the main (example) mod)
  8. Alright, my problem here is probably a simple fix, but it's not coming to me; Inside eclipse, I've got my custom ores' material set as Material.rock, because that is what seems to have replaced Material.stone from pre-1.7... Works as expected, *inside* eclipse. Then I go build it and throw it into my client, and there's where I run into a snag: cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: rock Kinda weird... So I decided to try Material.stone on the off chance it gets compiled/obfuscated/magical-ized, and to no avail, same NoSuchFieldError: stone instead. So to any of you who have been working with 1.7 longer than I have and have figured this out: Help a guy out here? Thanks in advance! -- Robosphinx EDIT: Here's the relevant snippet in a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/2XY6zUct (sorry for the wonky formatting, I suppose that's pastebin for ya.
  9. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated at this point. I got to here: private FontRenderer fontrenderer; private String line; public Wimmp(FontRenderer font) { this.fontrenderer = font; } //PreInitialization @EventHandler public void PreInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { WimmpConfig.loadConfig(new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile())); } //Initialization @EventHandler public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { line = WimmpConfig.strings.get(0); } @EventHandler public void onChangeGUI(GuiOpenEvent event) { if (event.gui instanceof GuiMainMenu) { //fontrenderer.drawString(line, 2, 2, 0xffffff); System.out.println("[DEBUG] [WIMMP] Current Screen is Main Menu."); } } Which should work, theoretically of course, but then I get this error, which I have been getting no matter what method I've used to detect the gui. Am I calling the event (listening?) the wrong way? I'm not even going to post the whole error log because I just realized I'm giving it a bad annotation. I've also tried @ForgeSubscribe, but that isn't recognized as a valid annotation at all... any suggestions? [16:37:58] [Client thread/ERROR] [wimmp]: The mod wimmp appears to have an invalid event annotation EventHandler. This annotation can only apply to methods with recognized event arguments - it will not be called
  10. Alright, I'll see if I can find it and if so I'll try it. Thanks!
  11. IDs still technically exist, but they're now handled internally by Minecraft and are dynamically assigned per world (if you load a world, then add a mod and reload the world, that mods items won't exist (as far as I've seen and found for myself))
  12. You've got a corrupt jar file for the source, which can be caused by making base edits. In order to get all new files, first make sure you back up your work (drag it out to a different folder), then open a command window in your forge folder and run (THIS WILL DELETE EVERYTHING!): gradlew cleanCache I would recommend updating the forge number in your build.gradle to the latest forge build (minor number 1056 or 1057), then run the usual to get all fresh source: gradlew setupDecompWorkspace --refresh-dependencies (This one gives you decompiled forge / minecraft code for referencing) gradlew eclipse (This one gives you your eclipse files) I'm sure you already know what these do, but I like to clarify Then add back in your mod files, and you should be set (hopefully)
  13. Hey guys, I was curious if there is something I can check using an if statement in order to draw a string ONLY on the main menu, without editing base classes (because that's a no no ) Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a ton guys! Robosphinx
  14. Works perfectly for what I need it to do, thanks. Draco, I feel like a noob now you say that, overrode those functions and everything works perfectly now. Here's what I did in the codemabobs: @Override public void onUpdate(ItemStack par1ItemStack, World par2World, Entity par3Entity, int par4, boolean par5){ nightVisionToggle = false; VisionKeyBind.keyPressed = false; mc.gameSettings.gammaSetting = regBrightness; } @Override public boolean onEntityItemUpdate(EntityItem entityItem){ nightVisionToggle = false; VisionKeyBind.keyPressed = false; mc.gameSettings.gammaSetting = regBrightness; return false; }
  15. Hey draco, thanks for your reply. I think what you're referencing is if the item itself has an effect if I'm not mistaken. However, I've got a night vision mode that is only toggle-able when the helmet is equipped. What I had in mind was when the player takes off the helmet the toggle is turned off as well. If this is what you were pointing me to, please explain just a tad so I can get this sucker exploit free Cheers! Robosphinx
  16. How might I toggle off my night vision when the player unequips my helm? I've currently got a keybind that only toggles the night vision on and off when the helmet is equipped but when the player unequips the helm the night vision stays toggled on, which could be used as an exploit Anyway, here's the code I'm using in the helmet class: And here's the relevant part of my keybind handler:
  17. I'll make the switch gradually to full localization files, for now I just needed the one thing so, I'm good
  18. Thanks Ernio, complete derp on my part. I overlooked adding "itemGroup." to the front of "tabJAGM"
  19. I feel like this should be biting me in the ass by now, but how does one properly register a Human-readable name for a creative tab and an achievement? I've tried using LanguageRegistry.addName() but to no avail... All it shows me is "itemGroup.tabJAGM" for the tab, and "achievement.jagmAch". Any ideas?
  20. Hey, thanks diesieben! checked out how the weather was changed in CommandWeather, worked perfectly! Thanks a bunch
  21. How might one go about directly changing (toggling) world data, such as whether it is currently raining? Thanks for any answers in advance!
  22. How might one properly register a server command without throwing an AbstractMethodError? I've currently got one command registered, which works just fine within eclipse, however, when I export the mod, the mod loads just fine but when the command is entered it throws an AbstractMethodError and barfs up a bunch of locations it's throwing the exception. Here's how I'm registering the command: @EventHandler @SideOnly(Side.SERVER) public void serverLoad(FMLServerStartingEvent event) { event.registerServerCommand(new ZeusCommand()); } Here's the error it's throwing: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/b648cf189e6453848aab Here's the full log: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/59fcf536246d499662d7 I've looked at one other mod, Morpheus (by Quetzi), which uses the same method of registering the command, and I'm using it the same way. Any tips?
  23. In theory, you could make a transparent sprite for the block and register it similarly to glass, so the blocks adjacent to it will still render all faces. Have a play around with it.
  24. If you're trying to get the item to have an animation no matter what, I would probably have a look at lava, water, and portal.
  25. Aight, I'll reformat it and see if it accepts it. Up until this point I was referencing Pahimar's LetsMod mcmod.info, but it's most likely out of date by now EDIT: alright, the server and client both load the mod WITH the mcmod.info in the client's case, and now I'm seeing a few errors I can fix up as they're just formatting errors from what I can tell, in the code itself. Thanks for your help guys!
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