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Everything posted by Jacky2611

  1. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/sign%20or%20English%20smilies/2sgn030thanks.gif[/img] EDIT: Ok now i tried to add: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public int getDimensionEnergyScaled(int heightDimensionEnergyBar) { int res = this.dimensionEnergy * heightDimensionEnergyBar / this.requiredDimensionEnergy; System.out.println("resscaled is: dimensionEnergy(" + this.dimensionEnergy + ") * heightDimensionEneryBar(" + heightDimensionEnergyBar + ") / this.requiredDimensionEnergy(" + this.requiredDimensionEnergy + ")"); return res; } and it looks like my dimensionEnergy(new name for energy) i never really set (According to output it is 0) but my onupdatething says that it is increasing. Not sure whats i have done wrong... And have i done something wrong in my lang file? tried to add "container.simpleController.name=Simple Controller" but the name still is container.simpleController. My Gui:
  2. After i finally got my dimension working i started to add some fancy feature to my mod (plants, more blocks...) and now i want to add a gui to one of my main Blocks. So I created a TileEntity, a GuiHandler, a Container and, big surprise, it worked ...first. Then i saw the endereye that was placed in the upper slot and the enderpearl in the bottom one. :'( (This is what my gui looks like:) My goal is to get energy from the items in the bottom slots in my energy var. Right now the energy simply keeps increasing (even if i take out the pregenerated enderpearl) and if i try to take out the endereye my game crashes. My TileEntity: and my container:
  3. Im just trying to create a new portal block for my dimension and want that it looks like the thaumcraft nodes Like this: The problem is that Azanor based his (totally awesome looking) nodes on 2d images (misc/node-core-dark.png), but in order for the player to walk inside my portal, I need 3d blocks and particles. My approach to get something like this would be to create a 0.5x1.5x0.5 (maybe transparent) block that emits particles and light. For this i would need intelligent particles that are rendered in HD and behave as a cloud, something that (most likely) will be nearly impossible to create in minecraft. Has anyone a better idea how i could make a portal that looks like Azanors nodes? Or is there any way to import smoke from Maya/C4D?
  4. If i place the blocks without the thread i can call the teleporter after it and everything works fine. But now my game sometimes crashes while Fixed it. thx.
  5. Looks like i can't figure out what im doing wrong on my own. In my onBlockActivated i start a new thread Thread copy = new Thread(new TeleportSimpleController(world, dWorld, x, y, z, player)); and copy.start(); that places some blocks before you are teleported. In the thread i then (after it placed the blocks) use this: System.out.println("DONE"); int dim=0; if(world.provider.dimensionId==0) { dim=9; } TeleporterDimensionShift.teleport(player, world, dim); to start: Now my problem is that either nothing happen or that the game crashes. If i get an error, this is what my log usually looks like:
  6. You apparently have no idea what I mean. That line really made me laugh Hello and welcome to the forge forums Ghifari! Thats just my personal opinion, but why do you even start to develop a new mod for 1.6? I know, 1.7 isn't finished yet, but the important parts work fine (as long as you don't try to add a dimension or a biome... : and you only have to change a few things (e.g.: IconRegister -> IIconRegister) to update your mod. Also you no longer nned ids for blocks/items so there is no need for a config file and all these scary id-integers.
  7. Yeah, Now everything looks better(but still very "cubic") EDIT: Ahh, think i found the problem... most likely i was tped before my prepare dimension thread could finish checking the underground and placing blocks... Now i just have to figure out how i can start the p function from another thread and everything should be fine.
  8. Well, i still have some problems with the world generation. Nearly everywhere i find these huge chunk cliffs: (Overworld and custom dimension.) Here is my new Chunk Provider:
  9. Yeah, it was 2 am when i stopped trying around with my chunkprovider... (removed them now... ) Tried around a little bit and now i think that the problem is the Random rand. EDIT: No idea why, but in the Mojang code there is private Random rand; . Changing this to private Random rand = new Random(); solved it...Maybe i should sleep more...
  10. Something like this?: (x, y, z is your center position…) for(int x1 = -r; x1 < r; x1++){ for(int y1 = -r; y1 < r; y1++){ for(int z1 = -r; z1 < r; z1++){ double dist = MathHelper.sqrt_double((x1*x1 + y1*y1 + z1*z1)); //Calculates the distance if(dist > r) continue; Block blockatcords = world.getBlock(x+x1, y+y1, z+z1); if(blockatcords==XXXXX){DO SOMETHING} } } } I don't have the time to test it, but if this works could you please press the thankyou button?
  11. So, thats what i tried: and my error Im sure that (again) i made an extremely stupid mistake and accidentally removed some really important line of code, but i can't find it... Just added a smash-face-smiley shortcut to my keyboard....
  12. Thats exactly what i tried... But forge won't accept the structure types and mc crashes... Will post my code as soon as possible(idea:forge for Smartphones? )
  13. extending was a good idea..... ...i really want my i-am-an-idiot-smiley... ...but i still have some problems with structures. My Chunk Provider now extends the standart chunk provider(works greate...) but i don't want to have strongholds and villages generated in my dimension. How do i get rid of them? (i think that i have to override" createStructure()" but that doesn't work...) I will post what i have already tried as soon as i get to my pc.
  14. Same Problem....
  15. That looks a little bit...empty Where is the face-again-wall Smiley? EDIT: So i modified my code .... Now I am teleported to the nether... am teleported to my dimension,but it is empty(void)... My new ChunkProvider:
  16. So im not the only one who doesn't know whats wrong...
  17. Do you just want to add capes? Maybe this is what you want..... http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1725536-17xlibraryforge-developer-capes-hd-cape-support/
  18. I am just having the exact same problem... http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,17641.msg90133.html#msg90133
  19. yeah, i have a super in public TeleportXY()... EDIT: Something went wrong copying the code(i posted an old version....), thats what it actually looks like: On block Update thing: Teleporter class and my error:
  20. So, here is my code: my main class: World Provider: And teleporter: And then i have this in my main Block...: public boolean onBlockActivated(World world, int x, int y, int z, EntityPlayer player, int side, float hitx, float hity, float hitz) { if(!world.isRemote) { System.out.println("after thread"); Side sidex = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getEffectiveSide(); if (sidex == Side.SERVER){ System.out.println("after sidex"); if (player instanceof EntityPlayerMP){ System.out.println("after instace of PlayerMP"); WorldServer worldserver = (WorldServer)world; EntityPlayerMP playerMP = (EntityPlayerMP)player; if (player.ridingEntity == null && player.riddenByEntity == null && player instanceof EntityPlayer){ System.out.println("after last if"); playerMP.mcServer.getConfigurationManager().transferPlayerToDimension(playerMP, 9, new net.dimensionshift.mod.dimension.TeleporterDimensionShift(worldserver)); } } } } return true; } Eclipse says that something with: public TeleporterDimensionShift(WorldServer par1WorldServer){ this.worldServerInstance = par1WorldServer; this.random = new Random(par1WorldServer.getSeed()); } [/Code] is wrong. But i can't find any mistake in it.
  21. Tried to use a modified version of the mojang end/nether code and, after that failed, i tried to follow (and update) wuppy29s 1.6 dimension tutorial. I will post my code as soon as possible.
  22. but if you just render something it wont be really there; it won't have a collision box,etc...
  23. Really? Everyone told me that i should wait for a newer version and all my attempts failed with me ending up in the nether.
  24. Hi and welcome to the forge forums! Maybe you should have a look at http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2001807-164how-to-code-custom-3d-armor-models-tutorial-by-senpaisubaraki/ This could be what you want. If you want to change all players you would most likely have to edit the player class. But if im right your mod needs to be a coremod to do that and then i can't help you. Ps: Feel free to press the thankyou button
  25. I think the title says everything...(No, im not asking for updates just want to know which versions are stable) Right now im using version (recommended) but now i need to add a new dimension, a feature that isn't implemented in that version(if im wrong please correct me aannnddd link me how i can do it) And if a mod is reading this, could he please mark the stable versions on the files page?
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