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Everything posted by Jacky2611

  1. In most cases the java garbage collector does a fine job. As long as you stick to the more basic forge stuff you should be good. I think I used a software called jprofiler one or two years ago to confirm a memory leak in one of my world gen attempts. You could give it a try, but I am not sure how good it is at comparing different mods with each other. Unless you find a real noticeable memory leak just try to deal with it, minecraft is known to use up a lot of ram. Some modpacks I played with required up to twelve gigs to work.
  2. Yeah, meant keeping everything inside my TE class the way we did it before Capabilities came around when I used "NBT" In my reply above. I am a bit busy decorating a ? right now. And don't TEs use NBT to sync their content during run time? And no, I definitely don't want to be compatible with hopers. The item I plan to add doesn't even really exist as an actual item, there will only be special containers that can store and transfer a certain amount of it for a certain amount of time. Allowing low tech hopers or pipes to pump it out of my containment units would be ridiculous. And wasn't there a special function that determined what items would be mapped to different sides of my block should someone try to extract something from it? I really only need to save and sync an Integer. If I can do that the same way I did it a couple of years ago without the possibility of having to rewrite it in the near future that's perfect.
  3. But why would I want to do that? The only reason I add these barrels is to store one specific single item that will evaporate in other containers. I already know the item, I only need the stack size. And why would you combine a capability with normal NBT data? Wouldn't it make more sense to simply store everything inside the TE should I want to store the item-type too? I am still feeling like Capabilities have a huge advantage I am missing. ?
  4. Ohhh. Totally ignored the part that still used GameRegistry. Thought your example had already switched to the new system.
  5. By God, no! I am not insane enough to save anything by using the item id! I know exactly what item will be put into my container. (It's a special barrel made to store a custom item.) All I really need to know is the stack size and a Boolean so that I can open/close the lid.
  6. Those are a common and a client proxy so that the server only registers the item while the client can use super to both register the item and assign a Model to it. Since when are common/client proxy classes outdated? I use them to have different init functions. :worried:
  7. Thx for the reply. All I really need to save is an Integer and maybe a Boolean. If I wanted to create something more complicated like a real inventory I wouldn't have asked and would already be trying to implement the CS. But writing my own Capability class just to save these two vars feels a bit like overkill. And it would make my project needlessly complicated. The way I understood it, and please correct me if I am wrong, the Capabilities System is meant primarily to be used on LivingEntities and Players. In addition I would have to manually save/load the CS content to/from disk and come up with my own way to sync it over network. So is there any advantage it has in my use case? Unless the TE's read and write to NBT are deprecated they are a perfect fit for what I plan to do. And thanks for the GitHub link, I will definitely have a look at that.
  8. Too be honest I have absolutely no idea. I quit shortly after 1.8 came around because the new item and block texture system meant that updating my old mods would have been an absolute nightmare. I only returned yesterday, but from what I can tell a lot. However, should you be interested I can format and upload my own notes on developing for 1.12 somewhere. I try to make them as easy to understand as possible because that usually helps me a lot to remember them. Right now they cover most of the basics. Just stay away from the part that messes with preloading dimensions. It involves an unhealthy amount of hacks, unoptimized + outdated code and I think some byte code injection. Have never finished prototyping that in 1.7 and haven't gotten far enough in 1.12 to rewrite it. Now that I am getting used to some of the new systems they have introduced and figured out how I could reuse certain classes I have to admit that the newer versions aren't as bad as I thought they would be when I quit. Once you have the basics setup you can add new Items and Blocks with just a few simple Json files.
  9. Yes, Things have changed since 1.8. A lot. I might be able to help you with the basic stuff in about an hour or so once my cake is out of the oven. I desperately need a distraction from my own project right now. Write me a pm should you be interested. And do you still have the exact same error?
  10. Hi there! I just returned to forge after about three years of C# coding and realized that there have been some huge changes. Right now I am trying to create a block that can store a large amount of one specific item by right clicking. (no gui or anything else fancy) My original plan was to use a TE with read/write NBT to save the content of my block and then use blockstates to change the blocks appearance depending on how full it is. While reading through the new docs however I discovered the new(?) Capabilities System, which apparently can also be applied to TileEntites. So in which cases should I use the Capabilities System? As far as I can tell the simple read/write functions inside the TE class are not part of the EEPs, and therefore also not deprecated. To be honest I would rather not use the CS without a good reason. I am still unsure how exactly I want to structure my project now that even the most basic stuff has changed and would rather not have to add additional classes for something so minor. And is there a more specific documentation or example project for CS?
  11. I think so? If I read this correctly they haven't bothered to change how TEs are supposed to be registered. (yet)
  12. ah, thx. That made everything easier. Looks like I need more cpu to preload 40 000 chunks quicker. :,(
  13. Hi! I am currently trying to create a new world type, based on the old idea of an flat earth. Basically I want to have 3-4 huge continents in the center, then a large ocean (1k from continents) and finally huge waterfalls that end in the void. (Sort of like http://www.daysleeper.co.uk/work/flat_earth.jpg, just bigger and with more continents) Too achieve this I created my own WorldType, ChunkProvider and WorldChunkManager. Easy. Then I quickly got a basic noise generator running, that generates the heightmap for me. I am still not quite sure how I am going to remove the remaining continents that are to close to the end of the world (I like that, it sounds dramatic ), but thats not so important right now. Inspired by what some other mods are doing, I tried to add it to my ChunkProvider. (cause thats should be the last place where everything is done, using stuff that was generated by the GenLayer) In provideChunk() I have: based on the vanilla code. But I am not sure if this is working, because the initializeAllBiomeGenerators() function in the GenLayer class looks like its generating terrain too, and not only biomes. Islands are created --> zoom in (islands are now continents) -->more islands -->...--> rivers --> smooth --> done As far as I understand everything my code should pretty much disable everything in GenLayer, but yeah, I still have the normal vanilla generation. And even if that's not the problem, it looks like at least the biomes are overriding my terrain height (e.g.: mountains). Is there any way to avoid this, or to combine the biome height with mine, while keeping everything as compatible with other mods as just possible? I would really appreciate it if someone could help me to understand things a little bit better. It has been quite some time until I used this stuff the last time. Anways, thx for taking the time and reading all this. Have a nice day! Jacky
  14. Yeah, I know how most electronic devices work. (Just finished my first custom Android 4.4 Rom ) I just wanted to make sure that I added the Argument in the right place. After some testing with normal modded MC and my debug tools it looks like my chunkgen+map Function has an infinity loop somewhere. THX for your answeres anyway! sry, my Android keyboard won't let me deactivate autocorrect. Pls ignore the mistakes.
  15. Noob question: how do I allocate more ram to my mc(in eclipse)? I tried -Xmx4G -Xms4G under VM arguments, but still had massive lags...
  16. I would spawn it like an ore, but at the surface in a more lake kind of form. Not sure what the ore generation stuff is called, but there should be loads of tutorials if you google it.
  17. So, here is my way of doing it. I am not sure if this is the best way, but it works. https://www.dropbox.com/s/y87oi3elnelk9q2/SETTING_UP_WORKSPACE.docx?dl=0
  18. You just have to register a provider with an id in your main class. (For the beginning you can use WorldProviderFlat) Then you use the provider id to register a dimension. Small hint: DimensionManager.class
  19. Ha, Finally its my time to shine! I did this a while ago to try out the submod system. I will post some step by step instructions in a few hours. However, when I wrote them I never intended to share them and I never really tried if everything works (looks like it does, though)
  20. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571542-forge-1-6-2-crafting-table-with-custom-grid-sizes
  21. NOOOOOO! I am such an idiot! I used this event so often in the past...
  22. I created a custom potion class a while ago. Should you use this credits would be awesome. https://github.com/Jacky2611/DimensionShiftInfectus/blob/master/src/main/java/net/dimensionshiftinfectus/mod/item/ItemCustomPotion.java
  23. Hi! I am looking for an event thats fired whenever the player changes his dimension or disconnects completely from the server. Or is there a way to get the world the player leaves from the joinWorldEvent? (I know that I could use onPlayerLoggedOutEvent, but its only triggered when the player leaves the server)
  24. You could create your own class and overwrite onFoodEaten(thats where potion effects should be applied). But I have no idea if this is the best way.
  25. What exactly do you want to do? Why can't you just generate it when the world is generated?
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