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  1. Thaaanks, I'm finally starting to understand a lot of things
  2. thanks, yea I've look his tutorials but they are a simple "hello world" for this version and the other ones doesn't work any more, the point it's that since I've already worked on projects in software development the existing ones are too easy I've learned them, so when I wanted to go into deeper code with event manipulation and base code manipulation I was unable to find documentation of all the apis and libraries of Forge for this version of Minecraft.... after all, adding stuff to items or change the length of the day or change other things require been able to do that
  3. Hello every one, pleaase I'm not new at programming but yes at modding Minecraft and since virtually none of the tutorials has been actualized on the new things Forge changed from 1.6.2 I'm starting to get frustrated because I don't know how to use Forge, I can't even change basic things like change the hunger or add an item that does something else besides been a useless thing, so pleaaaaaase could someone give me some little complex mod code that could work for me as a example to know how it works? I promise not to copy absolutely nothing from it to my mod with out permission, I know how hard is to someone to create that code and copy things would be unethical for me since I'm a programmer too And also (I know, I know I ask for too much ) I'm having troubles to install bitcode with ASM plugin please someone enlighten me how to do such a wonderful task XDD Thanks to any merciful soul who help me cause I'm totally lost
  4. thanks!, well i wanna to change the number of ticks that the day has, in order to do this i have to change the /time set night command and the number of ticks that the bed jumps over the night so nothing became weird the only way i found to do this was to change in 1.6.4 this lines: calculateCelestialAngle(long par1, float par3) //it calculates position of the sun correlating to a number of ticks public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] par2ArrayOfStr)// its the \time set public void tick()//here also its the number of ticks that a player jumps when its sleeping in an if
  5. thanks, after looking a looot i found that it actually it's on WorldServer and DemoWorldManager, but now I got an other trouble with 1.7.2, I can't modify on that version the minecraft code, just add new classes and packages, how I can modify that? or there is no way yet?
  6. Hello every one, I'm making a mod on something that I always hated about minecraft, it's day/night cycle, I mean 20 minutes it's something like 1/72 of a real day, I've never have played any other sandbox with that little time, it gives little importance to the day or night cause at the end we just end ignoring them as they pass too quickly, it's like if you where to prepare for breakfast and when you have finished you already have to go to dinner and when you should be scared by monsters at nigh it really doesn't matter, they simply don't have the time to do nothing. So in order to modify this i started modifying time on 1.6.4 on this ones calculateCelestialAngle(long par1, float par3) //it calculates position of the sun correlating to a number of ticks public void processCommand(ICommandSender par1ICommandSender, String[] par2ArrayOfStr)// its the \time set But I have an issue with beds, they don't wake you up when they should and I can't found where minecraft fast forward the time to pass the night, also I can't found where hunger gets reduced. I'm new on modding minecraft so I don't know where all that stuff it's on 1.6.4 and 1.7.2 ( including the things I modified on 1.6.4 ) , could someone tell me please?
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