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Everything posted by Vyrasa

  1. I found a crude workaround that appears to work. If there's a better way to do this, I'd love to know it, but in the meantime: In the Profile, add to the JVM arguments -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory=<dir> where <dir> is your desired equivalent to %APPDATA%\.minecraft . For example, if you use -Dminecraft.applet.TargetDirectory=c:\Games\Minecraft\MC152_Clouds Then the Mods folder will be at c:\Games\Minecraft\MC152_Clouds\Mods\ (and config, coremods, etc will be in c:\Games\Minecraft\MC152_Clouds too) Note that this will override the profile's gameDir setting, so the saves directory and vanilla configuration files will be moved as well. (this was based on another, tangential LexManos post pointing out the JVM option, and some hunting in the Forge source for how it acquired its base directory)
  2. Forge for MC152 (1.5.2- doesn't seem to adhere to the gamedir option, as far as I can tell. It expects the Forge-related folders (mods/coremods, config, lib, etc) to be in %APPDATA%\.minecraft as with the old launcher. Is this something that would need to change in Forge for MC152, or am I just not setting up the profile correctly? "Mod52_Seek": { "name": "Mod52_Seek", "gameDir": "C:\\Games\\Minecraft\\Mod52_Seek", "lastVersionId": "1.5.2.forge", "javaArgs": "-Xincgc -Xmx1G", "playerUUID": (censored), "useHopperCrashService": false, "launcherVisibilityOnGameClose": "keep the launcher open" } With the Forge'd Minecraft version using the default launch parameters, "minecraftArguments": "${auth_player_name} ${auth_session} --gameDir ${game_directory} --assetsDir ${game_assets}",
  3. NEI 1.3.x partially broke compatibility with NEI plugins. Mistaqur has made updated versions of several of the NEI plugins (IC2, Thaumcraft, etc), and there's a link from the NEI "Install Instructions + Downloads" in the ChickenBones Mods thread. https://bitbucket.org/mistaqur/nei_plugins/wiki/Home
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