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Everything posted by zachofalltrades

  1. I'm new here, but I have done a lot of homework, and just got Forge set up correctly so that my kids could use the superheroes mod that they have been begging for. They are quite happy now, so hats off to the all the good folks here. They literally jumped up and down when they saw it. With a few lessons under my belt, it now seems trivial to load Forge and drop in a mod. But I know (from a lot of errors in the 'trial and error' phase of my learning) that MC clients and servers are not very forward or backward compatible, and that naturally carries over to the mod framework and the mods themselves. What I am wondering now is, what should I expect when joining a multiplayer world when I have a modded client? Do I need to tell my kids to only use a 'vanilla' launcher profile when they want to get on a multi-player world, or can they join but just lose some features? If I set up a server with mods on the LAN (or make it public), do all clients need to have the corresponding mods enabled?
  2. I had the same problem -- there were a couple of websites with reviews of the mod that inaccurately list it among mods that are compatible with 1.7.2 (even 1.7.4).
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