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Everything posted by gamesaucer

  1. I'm well aware of the fact that I can override the color of an item by setting its rarity. However, there are only four rarities and many more colors. This poses a limitation. Basically, the question is: can I use forge to define a custom rarity? If not, is there another way to give an item a color that will be retained even after using an anvil to rename it?
  2. Got it to work. Cheers!
  3. My problem: Item shows up as the pink and black error texture. My relevant code: My relevant paths: src\main\resources\assets\<MODNAME>\lang\en_US.lang (this works fine) src\main\resources\assets\<MODNAME>\textures\items\<MODNAME>\stickHardened.png (does not work) Also tried: src\main\resources\assets\<MODNAME>\textures\items\<MODNAME>\<MODNAME>_stickHardened.png Before you ask, yes, I'm positive I've spelled all my names correctly and with correct capitalization. More info: MCP 9.05 FML Forge
  4. Okay, I'll give it a google. I think I'll be able to find something now that I know the issue. Thanks!
  5. JAVA_HOME is already set to C:\Progra~1\Java\jdk1.7.0_13. I checked, and that is indeed an existing folder, and JDK is indeed installed there.
  6. gradle.log after running the command you gave me: http://pastebin.com/v44xkapz Here is the RAM. Just throwing some more info about my Windows machine in, in case it is needed. RAM: 3,00GB Windows 7 Home Premium Pentium® Dual-Core CPU #5500 @ 2.80GHz 2.80GHz
  7. Hi, I'm new to Forge Modding and I've been attempting to get it to work for Eclipse. I have Windows 7 32 bit. The Forge version I downloaded was forge-1.7.2- The errors in CMD are as follows: Exception stack trace is as follows: Is there anything I obviously did wrong?
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