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Creeper Killer

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  1. I have a blockstate file: http://pastebin.com/raFBt3J3 The blockmodel works, but the item model doesn't. And it gives me an error like this: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:models/block/item/ladder.json My question is: Why does the game look for the model in models/block/item when I told in the blockstate file to look in the "item" folder?
  2. I suggest you to check this: https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/blockstates/forgeBlockstates/ With this, you don't need pressure plate models(only if you want to change the shape), so you can use the vanilla model and change it's texture in the defaults section.
  3. Oh, thank you! I thought I only need to register sounds, blocks and items.
  4. Oh, thank you! I thought I only need to register sounds, blocks and items.
  5. I call the initBiomes and registerBiomes methods in the preInit state. The biomes just doesn't generate at all. If I raise the weight more than 1000, only ocean generates. The console doesn't show any error. Version: 1.9.4-1936 To note: I've been using this code since 1.8, and it stopped working in 1.9.4 Biome Init & Registers: http://pastebin.com/8iV7d035 Registry: http://pastebin.com/M7FUz65N
  6. I call the initBiomes and registerBiomes methods in the preInit state. The biomes just doesn't generate at all. If I raise the weight more than 1000, only ocean generates. The console doesn't show any error. Version: 1.9.4-1936 To note: I've been using this code since 1.8, and it stopped working in 1.9.4 Biome Init & Registers: http://pastebin.com/8iV7d035 Registry: http://pastebin.com/M7FUz65N
  7. I saw that a lot of code got deprecated in 1.9.4.. e.g: getStateFromMeta or the getActualState methods from the Block class. So my question is: What is the replacement of the deprecated methods? (Sry for kinda noobish English)
  8. I saw that a lot of code got deprecated in 1.9.4.. e.g: getStateFromMeta or the getActualState methods from the Block class. So my question is: What is the replacement of the deprecated methods? (Sry for kinda noobish English)
  9. Latest log: http://pastebin.com/QRr6A7Ln The crash happens when I click on the controls button in the ingame options menu.
  10. Don't use the Minecraft class.. it only exists on the client. Use the event's world object.
  11. Crash log: http://pastebin.com/egAXxAxB It crashes after starting the game. Crashed without mods too.
  12. This makes sense! Thanks for the fast reply!
  13. You can't "translate" them. If you're a mod developer, you have to update the code. If you're not, you have to ask the mod developer to update..
  14. It was added in a forge update. Why is it bad to use unlocalised names?
  15. string1 == string1 -->> false string1 .equals(string1 ) -->> true http://alvinalexander.com/java/edu/qanda/pjqa00001.shtml
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