I've made a new biome trying to make a mod about exploration. But i don't know if i'm just unlucky and never found my biome, or it,s just not appearing.
Here's my code for the Biome:
package com.dalibe.study.biome;
import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase;
public class DarkyBiomeClass extends BiomeGenBase {
public DarkyBiomeClass(int id) {
this.heightVariation = 2F;
this.rootHeight = 2F;
this.waterColorMultiplier = 0xffffff;
this.temperature = 0.5F;
this.enableRain = true;
System.out.println("Darky Biome found");
Here's my declaration of the Biome :
public static BiomeGenBase DarkyBiome = new DarkyBiomeClass(150).setBiomeName("DarkyBiome").setColor(0x223263);
And here's the code to add it to the game:
I've put in the biome class a System.out.printIn(); to be sure that the class is detected and it is, the message appears in the console.
So, have i miss a step some where and is there a way to isolate the biome, a way to create a world with a chosen list of biome so i can test them individualy?