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Forge Modder
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  1. Perhaps I should post this in `mod support` directly, instead of in the `ForgeGradle` sub-category?
  2. Hi, I'm adding a new source set to my project, so that I can isolate some test mods - i.e. mods that are not to be packaged with everything else. So far I can make this compile fine, but I couldn't find out how to make ForgeGradle see the resources folder. If I do this in my `build.gradle`: sourceSets { mods { scala { compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath compileClasspath += main.output } } } and then this: runClient.classpath += sourceSets.mods.output The sources are compiled correctly and when I execute `runClient`, the mods are there. All the assets / resources are not, though, so I see lots of the purple/black cubes and untranslated strings in the game. I'm investigating ForgeGradle's source, but I don't yet understand how the assets folder is defined and made visible to the `runClient` task. []s,
  3. Ah, I missed that fact. So basically this is an entry that is itself a whole table, and in this case the trick is to make sure it is the only entry in the loot table being replaced? Feels a bit like a hack, but solves the problem - I'll start in that direction for now Thanks for the code sample, it helped a lot!
  4. Thanks, I'll investigate a bit more around the first option. The second one would still mean that I have to manually create the loot table, right? Which is what I'm trying to avoid, since I want to use a loot table defined in a json file.
  5. Hi, Is there a way to access a `LootTableManager` when a `LootTableLoadEvent` is fired? I wanted to replace a `LootTable`, but wanted to use `lootTableManager.getLootTableFromLocation(...)` instead of having to manually build the whole `lootTable` object. thanks! []s,
  6. Yes, I think I was over-complicating this matter, thanks
  7. This is exactly what I wanted to understand, thanks. Perhaps it is, but you don't really know it The point is not making anything 'better'. I'm basically playing around with some ideas, and I obviously need to understand stuff better before doing anything with it, isn't this the point of asking questions in the first place?
  8. Why? Part of the point would be abstracting away the actual choosing of an ID. Is it that bad? Also, in the network case, if I use a random number, then each player would have a different id for the same mob, I guess this would be bad? thanks !
  9. It will not be the same for every game run, if it is random. On the second run, the game would load the mod and call registerModEntity again with a new value.
  10. @lex I understood that. The clash would be inside a single mod, because what I'm doing is supposed to be re-used from other mods - it is basically a library.
  11. Ah, and other than that, I was wondering if the id is only a runtime thing, which apparently it is, or if it was somehow persisted between play sessions.
  12. Thanks guys. In my case a clash could happen because I'm creating some support classes that brings a couple of mobs "pre-configured". So if the modder creates a new mob, and use the same id, ka-boom. A random id also doesn't really solve the problem, only makes it less likely to happen. I'll think about something else.
  13. Hi, quick question. The id taken into EntityRegistry.registerModEntity can be random or should it be a fixed value? Thanks!
  14. That was the problem indeed, forcefully removing asm 4 solves the problem, thank you!
  15. Thank you for the reply! I will investigate, perhaps it is the test library to blame as well. Do I need ASM 4, 5, or any will do, as long as it is not both?
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