I'm adding a new source set to my project, so that I can isolate some test mods - i.e. mods that are not to be packaged with everything else. So far I can make this compile fine, but I couldn't find out how to make ForgeGradle see the resources folder. If I do this in my `build.gradle`:
sourceSets {
mods {
scala {
compileClasspath += sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
compileClasspath += main.output
and then this:
runClient.classpath += sourceSets.mods.output
The sources are compiled correctly and when I execute `runClient`, the mods are there. All the assets / resources are not, though, so I see lots of the purple/black cubes and untranslated strings in the game. I'm investigating ForgeGradle's source, but I don't yet understand how the assets folder is defined and made visible to the `runClient` task.