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Everything posted by Looke81
So yea my item textures are fine in the work space but when i build my mod they don't load and when i say textures i mean the textures and the item models.
[1.8]Max velocity in minecraft? and any way to get around it?
Looke81 replied to Looke81's topic in Modder Support
hmm i guess no-one really knows huh a well -
hey all i've been experimenting with making bouncyer slime blocks. So blocks that every time you jump on them your upwards velocity doesn't get less like on a slime block it gets grater. For this i am just doing this when they land. entityIn.motionY = -entityIn.motionY * 1.5; But i came into a problem which was this works but only up to 32 y value (from y level 1) and the only explanation for this that i can think of is that there is a max velocity which i didn't think there would be. So is there any way to get around this?
Has no buddy else ran into this problem?
anything else that could be causing this?
oh woops i've changed that now but it still wont work anything else?
yes i have that too: Blocks registry class: http://pastebin.com/y7e8Cu97 Also: @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { BioWarfareBlocks.init(); BioWarfareBlocks.register(); And: @EventHandler public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { Proxy.registerRenderThings(); And finally: public class ClientProxy extends CommonProxy { public void registerRenderThings() { BioWarfareBlocks.registerRenders(); BioWarfareBlocks.registerRenders();
Ok so anything else that is wrong?
is: { "variants": { "normal": {"model": "BioWarfare:block_MachineCore"} } } better?
Yes i have done that here is how i did it: { "variants": { "normal": [ { "model": "BioWarfare:block_MachineCore" }, { "model": "BioWarfare:block_MachineCore", "y": 90 }, { "model": "BioWarfare:block_MachineCore", "y": 180 }, { "model": "BioWarfare:block_MachineCore", "y": 270 } ] } }
I have managed to create a block but i cant for the life of me manage to get the blocks item models to work and I dont see what im doing wrong. Heres my blocks item model if it helps: { "parent": "tm:block/block_MachineCore", "display": { "thirdperson": { "rotation": [ 10, -45, 170 ], "translation": [ 0, 1.5, -2.75 ], "scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ] } } } And here is the registry for the item model: http://pastebin.com/nwErv1Qu p.s this was in a previous topic but I deleted it because it got too long and it was not going anywhere.
I created a custom modpack using for and I cant figure out why on some clients blocks are rendering invisible but on others they aren't. Example of see able blocks: Example of invisiball blocks: Link to a dropbox to the modpack in case people want to download it: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fj0eo8h6qyhl8us/AAAZaN6phaDaF0G3NVbJDVBCa?dl=0
In 1.7 to render my grenade entity like the snowball in the client proxy register renders method i just did this. RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGrenade.class, new RenderSnowball(BioWarfare.itemGrenade)); but in 1.8 now there are two extra arguments and i'm not sure what they represent and when i set them to null it crashes. my 1.8 code that crashes: RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGrenade.class, new RenderSnowball(null, BioWarfare.itemGrenade,null) );
Huh, not for me. they changed that in 1.7 to 1.8 (hence the topic title). and what im trying to do is change the shader like i was able to before in 1.8.
You can change the fov with mc.gameSettings.fovSetting = 0F; just change the fov to a large negative number and it will achieve the effect i think you want
Woooops thats embarrassing the field is meant to be theShaderGroup. I've changed it now but it is still saying its not a field and when i surround it with a try/catch it still crashes.
so if it isn't a field how do i use reflection?
well i tried surround it with a try/catch but the game doesn't open it just crashes. crash report if you want it: http://pastebin.com/BdgUTC1F
well i followed it and this is what i got but this must be wrong because i got two errors "Unhandled exception type NoSuchFieldException" both of these were over the parts is bold. @Override public void setCurrentShader(ResourceLocation resourcelocation, World world, EntityPlayer player, IResourceManager iresourcemanager) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft(); EntityRenderer entityrenderer = new EntityRenderer(mc, iresourcemanager); Field theShaderGroupField = EntityRenderer.class.getDeclaredField("EntityRenderer"); theShaderGroupField.setAccessible(true); ShaderGroup fieldValue = (ShaderGroup) theShaderGroupField.get(entityrenderer); try { fieldValue = new ShaderGroup(mc.getTextureManager(), mc.getResourceManager(), mc.getFramebuffer(), resourcelocation); } catch (JsonException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fieldValue.createBindFramebuffers(mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight); } }
well this tutorial here http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java-reflection/private-fields-and-methods.html tells me how to get private strings using reflection but i want to make the field "theShaderGroup/field_147707_d" = null or = a new ResourceLocation.
ok could you point me in the direction of a working tutorial or tell me whats wrong with it?
hmm i folowed a tutorial on how to use reflection and i came out with this. Field theshadergroup = ReflectionHelper.findField(EntityRenderer.class, "theShaderGroup"); theshadergroup.setAccessible(true); try { mc.entityRenderer.theShaderGroup = new ShaderGroup(mc.getTextureManager(), mc.getResourceManager(), mc.getFramebuffer(), resourcelocation); } catch (JsonException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mc.entityRenderer.theShaderGroup.createBindFramebuffers(mc.displayWidth, mc.displayHeight); but i get two errors. "Type mismatch: cannot convert from ShaderGroup to Field" and "The method createBindFramebuffers(int, int) is undefined for the type Field"
Hi so i made a working projectile like a snowball and when it lands on the ground i want to to spawn another custom entity i have made but for some reason the entity doesn't spawn. I know that the entity i want to spawn is in the game because i can use its mob egg and it spawns in. entity projectile code: http://pastebin.com/iUDEtYxr entity i want to spawn code: http://pastebin.com/zM7TzuP7 In my brain this should work and I cant see why it isn't but I'm but its something simple i just overlooked that i cant see.
Hey all i have two questions about 1.8 I've pretty much updated everything in my apart from two things. First i want to know what has "world.setBlock(p_147449_1_, p_147449_2_, p_147449_3_, p_147449_4_)" been replaced by because i cant find it anywere. Secondly "mc.entityRenderer.theShaderGroup" is now private so how do i change the shaders in 1.8? Thanks in advance Looke81.