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  1. Nvm... It started working when i removed one extra FMLInitializationEvent. Now it works perfectly.
  2. Here:
  3. I set my custom filler and top blocks, but they are air. And is there a way to change how often the biome is generated?
  4. Thank you!
  5. Oh... Could you try to find out how to get this to work and paste the code?
  6. I'm actually starting minecraft modding tutorials tomorrow, so i'm sure i'll make a tutorial of it, if it works. EDIT: Didn't work.
  7. I feel like a pro now. I got it working!! No errors at the moment. Haven't just found my biome yet though and the generating is pretty laggy. I gotta leave for school now, but when i come back home I'll check if the biome is working and if it is, i can post the solution here and someone can make it even better.
  8. Yes, but i though if there was another way.
  9. Or is there actually a way to make a new biome in 1.7 without using GameRegistry.addBiome???
  10. I guess i can't make my biome with my Java coding skills then.
  11. Thanks. 1 More errors fixed. The last error: GameRegistry.addBiome(ShroomBiome); What i'm gonna do to fix that?
  12. I know right...
  13. Yup. Noticed it. My bad. But this doesn't work either: public static BiomeGenBase ShroomBiome = new ShroomBiome(58).setBiomeName("ShroomBiome").setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 1F); It gives an error at "setMinMaxHeight"
  14. What can i use instead of public static BiomeGenBase ShroomBiome(58).setBiomeName("ShroomBiome").setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 1F);
  15. I tried taking my biome from 1.6 to 1.7, but got some errors with it. Here are the lines with errors: CakeyMod.java: public static BiomeGenBase ShroomBiome(58).setBiomeName("ShroomBiome").setMinMaxHeight(0.2F, 1F); GameRegistry.addBiome(ShroomBiome); ShroomBiome.java: topBlock = (byte)CakeyMod.ShroomGrass.blockID; fillerBlock = (byte)CakeyMod.ShroomGrass.blockID; (I have got the ShroomGrass block working, so it can't be causing the errors in ShroomBiome.java.
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