So I am sending a packet from my gui with a forgedirection to my tile entity. The forge direction is becoming null in toBytes or fromBytes. It is not null in the constructor. It is null in onMessage.
Here is the to and from Bytes methods:
direction is the ForgeDirection being passed in through the constructor.
Why not I have used that entry of times. I figured what I did wroung. Normally I run gradlew idea before I open the project in idea. This time i opend the project first.
I went to make a new mod add downloaded the latest forge and ran gradlew setUpDecompWokspace and then gradlew idea. It has the minecraft src but no run configs. I have re ran both commands and no luck.
Also with creative tabs there is an array of them that only has 12 and the constructor to make a new tab requires an index. So to make a new tab you have to override a vanilla one.