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Everything posted by killjoy1221

  1. My guess is Mercurius hasn't been updated yet. Uncheck the box for it in the installer.
  2. A little more details may be nice for him. We're assuming you're using the old minecraft launcher instead of the native one which installs java automagically. Go redownload it from minecraft.net.
  3. Do "gradlew extractNatives eclipse" to restore the natives.
  4. Thanks, @Glenn. I didn't realize that ClientCommandHandler was extending CommandHandler. @sequituri would've been more helpful if he told me why exactly I needed another try/catch block. I've changed my code to this. Class clntCmdHndlr = Class.forName("net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler"); Method exeCmd; try { exeCmd = clntCmdHndlr.getMethod("func_71556_a",ICommandSender.class, String.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { exeCmd = clntCmdHndlr.getMethod("executeCommand",ICommandSender.class, String.class); } Object instance = clntCmdHndlr.getField("instance").get(null); int value = (Integer) exeCmd.invoke(instance, mc.thePlayer,message); Edit: If Forge is installed, we're not going to be using notch names. It's func_71556_a, not a.
  5. In case you didn't actually read my post, I did put it in a try/catch block. My game isn't crashing, this section of code just isn't working outside of the dev environment.
  6. I'm currently working on a chat mod and am experiencing a weird issue with my code. It works perfectly in the dev environment, but as soon as I put it in an obfuscated environment, it refuses to work. I'm using reflection on ClientCommandHandler.executeCommand in order to keep compatibility in case Forge isn't installed. Here is my code. Yes, it is inside a try/catch. Class clntCmdHndlr = Class.forName("net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler"); Method exeCmd = clntCmdHndlr.getMethod("executeCommand", ICommandSender.class, String.class); Object instance = clntCmdHndlr.getField("instance").get(null); int value = (Integer) exeCmd.invoke(instance, mc.thePlayer,message); Unfortunately, it throws a MethodNotFoundException when obfuscated. java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: net.minecraftforge.client.ClientCommandHandler.executeCommand(net.minecraft.command.ICommandSender, java.lang.String) I checked to make sure it was fully obfuscated, and it is. Could someone help me out with this? Here's the full code for reference. I'm using Forge 1024.
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