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  1. I recently installed Windows 7 Professional (x64) on my MacBook via Boot Camp. But I get this in the ForgeModLoader-client-0.log file whenever I try to launch the game.
  2. This crash is due to IDFix. It's when the mod tries to generate a block in the world but IDFix has changed it's ID to something else, so the game crashes because no such block exists in reality when the mod thinks nothing's changed.
  3. Yeah, I was having problems registering the entity. Here's the src code. As you can see I haven't registered any entities yet, because I was having problems figuring out how to. Here's the entity code (the entity was actually a gun bullet.) Basically this entity is meant to explode on contact with it's target. I was having problems with that too. And finally, here's the gun's code.
  4. Hello. This is my first time modding and I can't seem to add a bullet entity ingame. It seems that whenever I test run it the item that shoots the entity does nothing on a right click. Also, I can't seem to apply textures to items/blocks, despite the fact I've checked multiple tutorials and entered the correct code. Finally, I can't seem to create a proper gun, no matter what I do. If you need the src code, tell me and I'll upload it.
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