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Everything posted by mrjoshiemoto

  1. Can you show your code? I am not sure about this one. I don't think so. At least in 1.6 there wasn't. ACtually YOU CAN make it so that biomes generate more often. Keep adding the same biome into the array multiple times. I noticed the code for minecraft does this which increases the odds of desert over say a mesa biome. The code you gave us is actually REALLY editable. One other edit that modders should do is creating all 4 fields to make into arrays. It is important to do this so when the biomes are generated they don't appear in odd places. IE: your glacier biome appearing next to a desert.
  2. Hope you don't mind Im going to make a thread in the minecraft forums explaining how to do this, Also we should have this thread solved!
  3. I would guess if you copied his code that you didn't actually do anything other then make a non-existent biome. This should help in the MinecraftForge.TERRAIN_GEN_BUS.register(this); TestBiome = (new TestBiome(56))[b][i].setBiomeName("Test Biome")[/i][/b].setHeight(height_LowPlains) { }; i've put the .setbiomeName in bold because that is what names the biome. I'm not sure why it is laggy, mine isn't laggy and I've followed the code with only a few minor differences that shouldn't effect anything.
  4. YES IT DOES!!!! I found it! You know what the problem was? I accidentally erased @EventHandler. You're the bomb! Thanks for being so patient!
  5. nevermind I feel stupid. The field name isn't as simple as just changing a letter, the field name has different numbers... freshmen mistake. Now as far as the second portion of my question. Is there an easy way to test that my biome is in the game? Cause even changing the fields I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  6. A few things. The arrays in GenLayerBiome control the temperature. The new biomes have been reconstructed around the idea of temperate areas so, in theory, it is less likely that a desert will spawn near a snowy biome. field_151623_c = Hot biomes (desert) field_151623_d Temperate forest area (So forest biomes would go here) field_151623_e Temperate Other (Hills, general biomes here) field_151623_f Cold Biomes (Snowy tiaga ect.) So most biomes really should go into e, however when I try anything BUT d (Which was the original field your code said) it throws the error. Is there something I'm missing? I feel like the biome is definitely in there... just I'm not getting it so I have two questions. 1) To change the array in your code I just change the field right? If so why would it error? It make no logical sense. 2) Is there a back door existing or one I can create to force the game to spawn in or near the biome I just created? Thanks for all your help, you've helped us newbies more then you have to .
  7. Did you find your biome yet? I have no errors but I can't find my biome. I did change one line of code, simply because there was no other way to go about this. diamondBiome = new BiomeGenBase(245) I changed to diamondBiome = new DiamondBiome(245) Should have then accessed it all and rendered... right?
  8. Thanks for that Diesieben07. I figured it was a hell of a lot simpler than I was going for.
  9. If that works make sure you post a sample code here so others can read it and know how to as well! Also someone might be able to clean it up and even a make it render faster! Or better yet turn it into a tutorial!
  10. Your obviously on to something here, I really want to find out more about this. I just looked up the the array, I'm in the process of digging through it, but one thing I'm wondering is what accesses the GenLayerBiome. In theory if you make a new GenModdedLayerBiome you can add your new biomes into the array THEN access the new file through that. but it doesn't seem to use a specific method to use this. If you can shed more light on this that would be AWESOME. I want to figure this crap out so we can start making biomes again!
  11. I did some digging and found a few things that might point us in the right direction. So what I have so far is I know we are going to have to do a few things here. We will need to copy and rewrite the following files. GenLayerBiome BiomeGenBase You'll need to create a new Biome obviously thats easy. In GenLayerBiome this code exists pointing to the idea of not only registry but spawning the biome into the game. public GenLayerBiome(long par1, GenLayer par3GenLayer, WorldType par4WorldType) { super(par1); this.field_151623_c = new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.desert, BiomeGenBase.desert, BiomeGenBase.desert, BiomeGenBase.savanna, BiomeGenBase.savanna, BiomeGenBase.plains}; this.field_151621_d = new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.forest, BiomeGenBase.roofedForest, BiomeGenBase.extremeHills, BiomeGenBase.plains, BiomeGenBase.birchForest, BiomeGenBase.swampland}; this.field_151622_e = new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.forest, BiomeGenBase.extremeHills, BiomeGenBase.taiga, BiomeGenBase.plains}; this.field_151620_f = new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.icePlains, BiomeGenBase.icePlains, BiomeGenBase.icePlains, BiomeGenBase.coldTaiga}; this.parent = par3GenLayer; if (par4WorldType == WorldType.DEFAULT_1_1) { this.field_151623_c = new BiomeGenBase[] {BiomeGenBase.desert, BiomeGenBase.forest, BiomeGenBase.extremeHills, BiomeGenBase.swampland, BiomeGenBase.plains, BiomeGenBase.taiga}; } } So whats the problem with it? It's not a method so you can't call it in your registry, meaning you need some communication. IN THEORY you can just say, GenLayerBiome genNewBiomes = new GenLayerBiome(par1, genNewBiome, worldType.DEFAULT); We will encounter errors here, also what is long par1? According to eclipse genNewBiome isn't initialized yet. Which... makes no sense really. So in theory you create your biomes in your new biomeGenBase class, then add them into your own array inside your genLayerBiome class, then call it by the code I gave above... right? Am I on the right track here? Or am I way off. I really would love to know and I'd like to find out more if I am wrong on how this code can start to work! Thanks for all the help!
  12. I think most of the modders would love you if you did that! I think I might be able to muddle through the code. Hopefully it doesn't take me a year to get it though! haha.
  13. So for those who may be less java savvy are you saying the code would look like this. public static void mainRegistry() { setModdedBiomeGenerator(); getModdedBiomeGenerator(wtype, seed, original); } public static void setModdedBiomeGenerator(){ public static final BiomeGenBase diamondBiome = (new diamondBiome(50).setColor(0x000000).setBiomeName("Diamond")); } public void getModdedBiomeGenerators(WorldType wtype, long seed, GenLayer[] original){ diamondBiome(DEFAULT, seed, original); } This may be completely off what it should be, as far as what the line of code does, but shouldn't this work? In theory you make a biome and then you get the biome and access it, the question I have is this still doesn't answer one question. Do you need to register biomes still? Or can you just sort of make and bake?
  14. I also just tried the biomeDictionary... which works, but it doesn't generate my biome probably because I don't know how to code it. Tomorrow I'll see if I can find a actual visual tutorial. It would actually make more sense for the the BiomeDictionary to have ousted the .addbiome. It's more complicated but looks like you can do more with it. You can find it here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Using_The_BiomeDictionary
  15. So I've looked in the forums and so far this has YET to be solved. First before we get started here, I need to clear some things up. .addbiome no longer works. Neither does WorldType.DEFAULT.addNewBiome(biome); This code DOES exist in the worldtype class however it is no longer functioning as it has been put in to comment form, thus being wiped from the code. Obviously there is a way to do this, i mean I've seen plenty of people posting about dimensions, and no modder is complaining about not having this "key code". I'm just wondering what is the new way to write, "Worldtype.DEFAULT.addNewBiome" is there one? Thanks to anyone who can help solve this.
  16. Wait, so this doesn't work in 1.7.2 anymore? WorldType.NORMAL.addNewBiome(biome); AFAIK, the spawnable biomes list is just an indicator for the player spawn algorithm to determine the spawning biome. EDIT: I must apologize, the right field isn't NORMAL but DEFAULT: WorldType.DEFAULT.addNewBiome(biome); For large biomes, you must also add WorldType.LARGE_BIOMES.addNewBiome(biome); except this DOESN'T work either! Same error. I looked at the code and the .addnewbiome is turned into comments. is it because I'm running 1024? Does anyone know the actual code here?
  17. the command origianlly was GameRegistration.addBiome. That was removed, it seems that since then everything has been in limbo from what I've seen.
  18. Still not working for me even with downgrading to java 7. I still get the same error.
  19. I'm still having this same problem! I used the reccommended version of forge AND I redid the JDK. I ran a test java program which worked just fine! I know JDK is running right. I still get recompForge error. I'm going to try 1.6 and see if that at least works.
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