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msifeed's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Learn to read stacktraces. You are adding name at com.DarktStriker.BioniCraft.dsbionicraft.preInit(dsbionicraft.java:194) to null object. You can't do that. Also this is deprecated function, so try to avoid it. Use lang files from this tutorial instead.
  2. Well, try to cleanup this and reinstall recommended build.
  3. Make sure you don't have errors while gradlew setupDecompWorkspace , cause you are missing minecraft source lib. Also check your JDK.
  4. You need net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer , i guess. Then somehow check that you are rendering your steve's model.
  5. Error: [21:20:09] [Client thread/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load geck:textures/blocks/concrete.png Texture path: forge172\src\main\resources\assets\geck\textures\blocks\concrete.png Don't work even class B extends Block { protected B(Material p_i45394_1_) { super(p_i45394_1_); } } @Subscribe public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { Block b = new B(Material.rock).setBlockName("b").setBlockTextureName("geck:concrete").setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs.tabRedstone); GameRegistry.registerBlock(b, "b"); } As i said, normal mods work fine with that textures.
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