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Everything posted by _gjkf_

  1. Hey everybody!!! I'm making a mod that will allow the player to place stairs horizontally. I have created the custom stair but I can't find a way to make my stair rotate. I'd love to use vanilla stairs and then just rotate them, but I can't figure out a way to do it. I'd also love to know a way to understand what the methods and parameters name are. E.g. what is "field_150152_N"? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance. The stair class
  2. Thank you very much!!! Now it's working smoothly
  3. Thanks, now it's working!!! I tried to make the bucket, as the guide said and it's not working. Instead of getting a bucket filled of my fluid, I get the one filled with the material of that fluid block (e.g. Block basicFluidBlock = new BasicFluidBlock(basicFluid, Material.water) when I pick it up with the bucket I get a water bucket) Here's the Main Class Here's the BucketHandler Class I had to comment @ForgeSubscribe in the BucketHandler class because I got this error ("ForgeSubscribe cannot be resolved to a type")
  4. I have done as the guide said, I still crash... Here's the crash-log Here's my Main Class If I don't initialize the BasicFLuidBlock the game starts normally. I can't find the issue, thanks for the help.
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