So I just noticed when testing out a new mob of mine, that the health is capped at 1024. When I enter this line:
If I put the number above 1024 it won't go higher (I tested with print-outs of the health) but it works at lesser values. In 1.7 the health like this was not capped, so is there something new in 1.8 I'm supposed to do to get around this because it seems obsurd that the health would be capped at such a low value now.
This points to saying the max value is 1024 in the SharedMonsterAttribute class:
(new RangedAttribute((IAttribute)null, "generic.maxHealth", 20.0D, 0.0D, 1024.0D)
Whereas before it was set to Double.MAX_VALUE which is basically unreachable. I'm aware I can modify damage and whatnot to try to work around the 1024 but this is such a ridiculously low number (especially when damage is 2048) that I'm not sure what to do. Is there a workaround for this?