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Everything posted by J3FF97

  1. I see what you mean, Weird thing is that I do exactly the same thing in another mod of mine and it works. I should probably get rid of the loop though since as far as I know it does not add anything except for just another crash possibility. Thanks anyways Now I just gotta fix shift clicking and this block is done~
  2. Thanks I checked the load orders, but that did not seem to be a problem It's probably a very minor typo or something like that, knowing myself, but I just can't figure it out
  3. I specify it in a class called CraftingHandler and register it in my commonproxy. SeedInfuserRecipes.addInfusing(Items.melon_seeds, Items.magma_cream, new ItemStack(ModItems.fireMelonSeeds)); That's the line that registers it. I forgot to tell but the crash occurs whenever I place this recipe into the gui. (This is the only recipe I've registered for the block as a test.)
  4. Hey everyone~ Whilst making an infuser block (2 inputs, 1 output, no fuel) I stumbled upon this crash: http://pastebin.com/xztWZ7KH The code that goes with the mod is here: https://github.com/J3FF97/Elemental-Melons/blob/1.7.10/src/main/java/j3ff97/elementalmelons/tileentity/TileEntitySeedInfuser.java The line that apparantly gives a NullPointer is: ItemStack stack = SeedInfuserRecipes.instance().getInfusingResult(slots[0].getItem(), slots[1].getItem()); I've checked and that line should only be null if I would not have specified any recipes, which I did. In another mod this (almost exact) same code is working. Anyone who can enlighten me? ~J
  5. Formats are exactly the same for naming and texturing. They only differ between items and blocks. IDE is your development environment, I.E IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
  6. Actually the ID does not HAVE to be lower case, since you can call upon it with id.toLowerCase(), but that aside, it is true that for everything that needs the id it's gonna be in lower case. Anyways, could you show us your item class? also if I'm not misstaken you can remove the Tweaks: from the setTextureName, depending on how you do it in the item class.
  7. So if I'm correct just the diamond hammer renders correctly? The others just give the famous black/purple block? I've taken a gaze through your code and just can't find anything. check all the punctuation and capitalization, if there's a difference between the diamond hammer and the others that's probably where your problem is. I'll put it in a dev environment in a sec to test
  8. I see, upon closer inspection those methods are indeed in the BlockFurnace class. I simply overlooked them. That's what I get for using an outdated tutorial and trying to fix things myself. Although I should look into how those things work better. Thank you [closed]
  9. I am making a machine and, like most modders, I want the machine to face me whenever I place it. For this I used the code from BlockFurnace. However, this crashes me. In 1.7 this was done quite differently if I remember correctly. Crash Report: http://pastebin.com/zwpNfSMf Source: https://github.com/J3FF97/Steel-Industries/blob/1.8/src/main/java/com/j3ff97/steelindustries/blocks/BlockHighOven.java Please do mind the entire machine thing isn't working yet. However as a normal block it should work. Something with the propertyDirection, but I can't figure out what's going on exactly. Anyone who can enlighten me? ~J3ff97
  10. After fixing the nullpointer that had to do with the crop I stumbled upon another crash Log: http://pastebin.com/ntJgkG3C This happens randomly, I expect whenever it spawns a new melon block, as they never appear. Anyone who can help? Again, Source is on Github: https://github.com/J3FF97/Elemental-Melons/tree/1.8 [EDIT] Again, this is something with the loadorder, since if I load the melons before I load the stems, it works. However, If the loadorder is blocks - stems - items, I won't get any items if I break a melon. If the loadorder is stems - blocks - items OR stems - items - blocks , It crashes. If I load the items before the stems, the same crash as earlier happens. Also, the connected melon stems (connected to a block) appear as untextured which for some reason I can't find a way to fix (The model files clearly refer to the minecraft textures, and all the other states work [EDIT 2] Another edit whee~ After screwing around with the loadorder some more (and making my code look more horrible than I would've liked ' ) I got it sort of working. I have split up the items into seeds and slices and the blocks into melons and stems. The current load order is slices - melons - stems - seeds. This seems to have fixed everything except the textures. Hence I'm assuming that part is fixed. All that's left is the textures... What the log shows for the textures: http://pastebin.com/Kx52wiqd Source on git, etc etc.
  11. Hmm okay, I get it. I don't get why it still would crash when I planted the crop, because it has loaded the crop by then right? Or is it because it has loaded the crop as a null? Anyways, it's working now ^.^ Thanks Sometimes I just need someone to take a look at my code
  12. Haha Believe me, I've had worse
  13. first of all, wow... Ehmm.... That's gotta be the first MC mod about this that I'll see Second, You made the world generator class and functions and everything, but you forgot to add the actual generation for this block. I assume you want to add this block in the overworld, so you basically have to add the generateOre(blablabla); in the generateSurface. Something like this: private void generateSurface(World world, Random random, int x, int z) { generateOre(//Here go the needed things); } I think it should work after you do that Good luck with your mod, whatever your intentions are haha
  14. I haven't tried that yet honestly, since it doesn't crash during startup, meaning that everything got registered the way it's supposed to, I'l try it as soon as I get home, but I doubt it'll work to be honest EDIT: Wow... That actually worked... Thanks! I just thought it would not, because I thought that could only cause problems at startup... hmm.. anyways, thanks
  15. I've implemented the RecipeItemSeedFood class (as SeedHelper) and made the necessary adjustments. Still crashes. Server log: http://pastebin.com/Gh6pEV6r Client log: http://pastebin.com/zHjxa7C1 Again, getting a server log while I'm only on client, dunno where that came from Running through the log, I can only see 1 line in which it crashed in my code, that is in the seedhelper: parWorld.setBlock(parX, parY+1, parZ, crop); That's where the crash is.
  16. You're probably right, at the time I posted my last reply, It was late and I was tired So I didn't look into everything. Instead of extending Item, I could also extend ItemSeeds right? That would have me go directly to the seeds classes, without me needing to create a new itemseed kind of class, like your tutorial is doing, nevertheless, I'm gonna try it out. The crash is happening as soon as I plant one of the seeds, I can do everything else, just when I plant the seed it crashes. I'll keep you updated, thanks again (now onto texturing, ugh D: I hate that part D: )
  17. Unfortunately, no success. The tutorial, albeit a very very nice one, is not helping me since you are doing things slightly different than I am used to, and you are making something different than I want to make (foodseed vs regular seed) And in my current status I am not able to convert it Also, these are the crashlogs I am currently getting: (I'm getting both client and server logs, even though I am only running a client.) Server log: http://pastebin.com/KAcsEyAZ Client log: http://pastebin.com/mvJQ5fnC
  18. Thanks ^.^ It turns out that the only thing that's crashing me is the planting of the seed, the crops itself work like a charm (tested via /give ), they grow, are bonemealed and spawn the melon blocks. @Jabelar I honestly did not find any tutorial about this, you having one and giving me a link to it, awesome ^.^ I'm just gonna use it for the seeds, since most of it is just the same as a regular melon. (Not even gonna use a different texture for the stem ) I'll keep you guys updated on this
  19. As far as I know, that happens automatically, and as you select a new language it goes through the files. What do you want to use it for?
  20. Hello everyone. I'm working on a mod now, ElementalMelons, which adds new melons that give potion effects while eaten etc. Question is, how do I add the crops? I've been scouting through the MC code and the only thing I could think about crashed me while planting the crop. I have everything for that's needed, a block (The melon), a seed and a Stem (Which is not working.) Also, I've been thinking about using the melon stem from vanilla, but that would give me a regular melon, unless I altered MC's code, right? If anyone could help me/give suggestions, that'd be awesome ^.^ ~J Code is on github: https://github.com/J3FF97/Elemental-Melons
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