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Forge Modder
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    Mattredsox Mods!

Mattredsox's Achievements

Stone Miner

Stone Miner (3/8)



  1. Can anyone write a tutorial or give me an explanation of what I need to do to sign my mod.jar file. I tried signing with the jdk jarsigner to create a meta.inf, etc but I still get the message in console: The mod blah.jar expects signature null for blah. Anyways, I would love it if someone would guide me on how to properly sign and read the signature when launching minecraft. Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!
  2. Would anyone like to show me what I need to do to make a 5 by 3 crafting table? I want it to have the same .addrecipe {xxxxx, xxxxx, xxxxx} and .addshapelessrecipe It will have to have a Tile Entity as I am using Universal Electricity power for the actual crafting. Thanks. I have been messing with it and I haven't yet been successful
  3. Give us some kind of code or errors at least! Also you are very unlikely to get help if you are not using forge.
  4. Thank you laifsjo! I will try what you said when I get home from school tonight!
  5. Hey all! I am making a mod and it adds a new dimension. I have been looking for a tutorial on how to do this with the new Forge 4.x (1.3.2). If anyone could point me towards a tutorial or source to a mod that adds a new dimension I would really appreciate it. I have been debating on decompiling Twilight Forest to see how they did it, but I don't want to worry about complex code that is obfuscated. Thanks!
  6. Here is a beta/pre-release of the mod! So far it includes: Full Ghost Tools, Full Ghost Armor, Ghost Mob (untextured at the moment), Recipes. Note this release does not include naturally spawning ghosts and the new dimension. Here is a link to the download! Use the latest forge. http://www.mediafire.com/?jmxwmqc7c27o16x
  7. This is the thread for applying for Modder status. You might want to repost in the correct thread
  8. Finally got to editing my post Added info about my current mod!
  9. You will need forge and any installed mods to join a modded server. However there is a bukkit plugin called Miltimodworld (http://www.mcportcentral.co.za/index.php?topic=929.0). It is still 1.2.5 but It allows you to make a modded world and unmodded. Vanilla clients can join the unmodded default world.
  10. Modloader overwrote the forge class
  11. Two things. 1Last time i checked, optifine isnt working with forge 1.3.2 yet. 2 DONT USE MODLOADER WITH FORGE! This should fix your problems
  12. WiP page... Still working on it Matt's Ghost Dimension (TEMPORARY NAME); Adds new dimension to Minecraft. This dimension is infested with different types of powerful ghosts. These ghosts will drop something that once you have a lot of, can make armor and tools more powerful than diamond! To-Do: - Dimension (I have done a little with this) - Textures - Create way to modify ghost's item drops into a workable ingot to create armor and tools out of. - More textures! I will slowly be attaching screenshots as the mod is developing! If you have any cool ideas or if you are interested in this mod please comment and tell me! Thanks!
  13. Use Forges infinite sprite textures. There are tutorials on the wiki Good luck!
  14. I have it working so when I right click the minecart it opens up like a small chest. The inventories are all screwed up where I dont see the items unless I click on the spot where they are. I am currently working on making a new gui,
  15. Hey Forge Modders! I am currently making a mod that adds a new minecart and when you right click the minecart it opens a custom chest I have coded. Inside the Entity classes I have found the interact() function with EntityPlayer. I think this is the function I need to use to open my specified Gui, Container and TileEntity. Can someone help me with how I am supposed to link the new chest files with the minecart entity? I really appreciate any help I can get! Thanks so much! Sincerely, Mattredsox
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