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Everything posted by LaughingJackalMC

  1. Thats what i thought, but how would i do this?
  2. Basically, what i want is if i have a certain item in my inventory, all entities in a certain range to be damaged wherever i go. But how would i go about getting what i want? I have tried adding potion effects, but that didnt seem to work.
  3. Thanks, looking into that now
  4. Thank you so much, this really helped, how would i put the mcp stuff on there?
  5. Well i just don't wan't to miss 2 weeks of coding, i would not like to test it, just code and then test it back home
  6. Hey, i'm going on holiday tomorrow and I am not taking my laptop, only my ipad. Is there any way to get Eclipse working on an ipad or developing a mc forge mod on ipad? Thanks.
  7. ok, why should I never use @SideOnly? I know not for mobs I just checked my code, do you mean never for the entire mod or just the mob stuff?
  8. So I have fully created my entity, texture, AI, everything's working perfectly. However my spawn egg is in the miscellaneous tab and I cant seem to change it. Where would I put the setCreativeTab()?
  9. I'm pretty sure there should be a SIDEONLY(SIDE.CLIENT) in there somewhere, let me take a look at my code.
  10. hmm, I don't know. Try doing gradlew setupDecompWorkspace again
  11. Cool thanks, been modding for years don't know why that caught me out!
  12. Hey, eclipse deleted my original mod (of course!). So I am re-doing my mod. I always start of with a test block, however my one isn't appearing in game! here is the main code : package me.irule2222.theWWIImod; import me.irule2222.theWWIImod.blocks.Test; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; @Mod(modid = WWIIMain.modid, name = WWIIMain.name, version = WWIIMain.version) public class WWIIMain { public static final String modid = "wwiimod"; public static final String name = "The World War 2 Mod"; public static final String version = "Pre Alpha 0.1.0"; public static Block test; @EventHandler public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { test = new Test().setBlockName("test"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(test, "test"); } } And the Test class is just: package me.irule2222.theWWIImod.blocks; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; public class Test extends Block{ public Test() { super(Material.iron); } } I have an en_US.lang in case that what was the problem, there are no errors in the console. Can anyone help?
  13. hey I am making a mod and one of the blocks in it is a siren block. I have created it so there is 3 blocks, Siren_off, Siren_On and Siren_Active. Basically it changes to Siren_on when a redstone power is sent to it. However I would like the block to also change into Siren_Active when a mob, for instance a zombie gets near. I would also only like it to change into Siren_Active if it is at Siren_On. Is this possible?
  14. is that just the jar form? sorry im a noob!
  15. Hey, I was just exploring the workspace and found in the eclipse folder a 'mods' folder. What does this folder do? can you put other mods in it? Because that would be cool for testing integration!?
  16. thank you so much! It worked!
  17. yes Item() is the vanilla class
  18. um, I didn't create a class for the item so heres the bit in the main class : ElderIngot = new Item().setUnlocalizedName("ElderIngot").setCreativeTab(StuffMod).setFull3D().setTextureName(modid + ":" + "ElderIngot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(ElderIngot, "ElderIngot");
  19. That's what I thought, do you know how to fix it?
  20. my texture is 16x16, thats all I did lol!
  21. Hey, I decided to add a new ore and ingot. it was easy enough, but when I went on the game I realized my ingot was way to big! My ingot :https://www.dropbox.com/s/4p0kqs5yrfyfcse/ingot.png normal ingot :https://www.dropbox.com/s/3iryizmh91gxe9f/ingot2.png What di I need to do?
  22. Hey guys it doesn't matter @tiffit was right all I had to do was define the creative tab of the armour for eeach piece in the main class
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