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Everything posted by SSslimer

  1. Thanks, but next I need to be sure that if I put 10F for par3 it would be 10m/tick.
  2. I did it but it didnt help. float f = (float)j / 20.0F; f = (f * f + f * 2.0F) / 3.0F; if ((double)f < 0.1D) { return; } if (f > 1.0F) { f = 1.0F; } EntityArrow entityarrow = new EntityArrow(p_77615_2_, p_77615_3_, f * 2.0F); Float f seems to be an amount of seconds of bow pulling(int j is a tick amount) I dont understand that code: f = (f * f + f * 2.0F) / 3.0F; Than there are 2 ifs. First looks if the f isnt too small, second isnt too big. So it probably could be a 0-1 relation of max bow pulling. I can add that changing 3rd parameter changes speed of arrows. Problem is what are the units.
  3. Hey, I am making a class which is extension for ranged weapons classes in my mod. The main reason why I want to do that is better and faster weapons coding. Now I am trying to change a reloading time off weapons. Just simply code the number double number of seconds to reload. I stucked on creating new EntityArrow object when the player stops using item. EntityArrow entityarrow = new EntityArrow(par2World, par3EntityPlayer, (float) (f * 2.0F * 4/3)); I dont know what is the third parameter. In my forge dev build there isnt any desc of that method and its parameters. It could be a start speed of an arrow or sth like this but I am not sure. What could be the units if so. Meters per second wheter other?
  4. Removing the / really helped, thanks for help.
  5. Ok, I will try. In all tutorials I noticed / after all path code, so I paste it too.
  6. In exclipse the path works. "logoFile": "/assets/betterworld/textures/ModInfoLogo.png", Screen from assets in eclipse. http://screenshooter.net/100630509/kqfjxyv
  7. Hey, I have a logo for my mod and I set up mcmod.info file In eclipse I can see the logo but when I use the mod on normal mc it wont show. Forge on mc and eclipse are the same version. What can couse that problem?
  8. Yeay, I have made it without any more help Now my entity and strings work as I wanted.
  9. Sounds complicated but I will try, thanks for advice.
  10. No, the string have to generate only once when entity spawns.
  11. I dont know differences between both sides but my string have to be shown in gui. I fink its client side.
  12. Thanks, but I still have some tick problems. When my mob spawns with egg it calls method to set random string from the given string array. NBT saves this string and loads too, but if I add System.out.println(my string); in ticking method it returns once good string once null. Is it normall or my code is broken?
  13. Hey I cant fine a method that is called when my entity is spawned. For example with egg. Is any method that I need or I must to create own?
  14. Problem with getting itemstack solved. It was needed to send packet, because when we close inventory gui, the inventory turns too null, but not slots. Each tick my entity send packets from his slots to make client side know what items are in inventory and render armor etc.
  15. Thanks, now it works.
  16. Hey what can be a problem in that code: System.out.println(tmp.getRullerName() + "" + player.getCommandSenderName()); System.out.println(tmp.getRullerName() == player.getCommandSenderName()); On the left side ruller of village. 1. method returns two identical strings 2. returns false but it should return true Now I know much more about gits, I will soon post a link.
  17. GitHub and SourceTree seems to be separate. That should be? I dont know how to send files to GithHub, on TreeSource I do it.
  18. Now I have account on GitHub and SourceTree instaled. I need time to setup evrything and get know how to use it.
  19. I said that I am not good at English so dont use words that I dont know even in my launguage You want to send you all the code to run on your pc and see wat is wrong?
  20. I dont understand what you want. You want a part of code or all code?
  21. Method: System.out.println(this.inventory.armorItemInSlot(1)); In entity class returns itemstack. Method: System.out.println(villager.inventory.armorItemInSlot(1)); In render class returns null. I know that entity is correct, because I can get entity with armor in this code. System.out.println(villager);
  22. I have done it. Back to the topic. Maybe in render class I need to send packets too? It was very simillar to getting prof. before sending packets. When I was trying to get an itemstack in entity class I was getting null and item at one time.
  23. And send to server packets?
  24. Use SimpleNetworkWrapper?
  25. Evrything is so complicated. Which packet sender I need to use?
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