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Everything posted by Nimbleguy

  1. Ok, I edited to your comments, but I need to set the player's gamma to one previously set, and I want to to retain across minecraft closings. How would I do that? I think packets but I do not know how to use them at all. Thanks for helping me fix my code . Revised TickListner:
  2. Ok then. I just solved it by looping through all the worlds in MinecraftServer.getServer().worldServers and using those. TickListner:
  3. The tick listener is registered in both event bus things, and I am trying to teleport the item to x 256 in the dimension if they are in the dimension and under y 0. I have a separate method for getting in the dimension. I think I have a problem with getting the world, because there are no entries in world.loadedEntityList and the player one is detecting properly.
  4. I do not know why in the code I posted it says str, in my actual code it says str. Also, I have found that equals works in another case. My problem is that it is not recognizing it is in the void. Also I have a block that teleports you into my dimension, but my code is not able to recognize any item past y level 0, which is what I want to do. Code: TickListner:
  5. Well, I wound that world has a list of all entities, but my code to check if things are in the void still does not work.
  6. How would I get all items "alive?" I need to check if there are items in the void, then get item info and do stuff with it, but I do not know how to get all EntityItems in the world. I tried this code, but it did not work: TickListner(Method 1): TickListner(Method 2): I am also having trouble with checking if the player has fallen into the void, it is the same code(In method 2) It is giving me the achievement but not teleporting me.
  7. For some reason my block randomly stops ticking, and I need to keep it ticking. TileEntityVoidWalker: BlockVoidWalker: EDIT:It randomly stopped and now ticks properly...
  8. Now it gives me this error: What listeners do I need? EDIT: Nvm, I just had to add ForgeChunkManager.setForcedChunkLoadingCallback(VoidMod.me, null); to my main class. Thanks!
  9. I cannot seem find where it loads the chunks...
  10. are your files named fluidStill and fluidFlowing?
  11. My block needs to be ticked all the time, but chunk loading it just unloads the chunk. I am using this.worldObj.getChunkProvider() .loadChunk( this.worldObj.getChunkFromBlockCoords(this.xCoord, this.zCoord).xPosition, this.worldObj.getChunkFromBlockCoords(this.xCoord, this.zCoord).zPosition); to chunkload. Also, how would I make the chunk loading continue after server restart?
  12. I think it is supposed to be RenderGameOverlayEvent. How would I draw stuff to the screen? I have only used the paint(Graphics g) method for drawing to screen before.
  13. IT WORKS! It seems like some events require FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register while others require MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register. I just registered my TickHandler to both. Thank you!
  14. How would I render text and blocks of color onto the player's screen? For example a sentence colored red with a blue background highlight? I want to something like the intro to Fez, with the glitchy screen and stuff.
  15. Ok, I have made it so that is is always night, have lightbrightnesstable multiplied by 0.99F, there is no sky, set to be no sky, and it sets the player's gamma to -1F then on exit sets it back, because I am storing the player's previous gamma in nbt. Thanks everyone!
  16. I do not think it does. BlockNullOre: TextureNullOre:
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