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Everything posted by LordMastodonFTW

  1. Try adding -'s sometime. It helps, believe me.
  2. However, is there a way I could get an event to fire after the animation is done? I don't want the animation to continue forever, I want it to happen for a set amount of time and then stop.
  3. Does anyone know which slots of armorInventory[] on the EntityPlayer correspond to which armor items? I have googled it extensively and no one really lists it.
  4. Also, I'd recommend changing the texture to a slightly darker color, because it's burning my eyes, and I don't think your friends really want burnt eyes.
  5. Yeah, you're definitely right.
  6. You can use the OreDictionary recipes.
  7. I like how you put the disclaimer at the end.
  8. I'd probably use glTranslate() for movement across an axis, but if not, how would I do movement instead of rotation?
  9. Can we just tell diesieben to make the header of the sub-forum Modder Support "If you are using Java 8, switch to Java 7, because if that's the case when you give us an error log, we won't help you." or something like that? Because the amount of people saying I HAVE A PROBLEM and then having their problem solved with a simple "Use Java 7 noob" is getting ridiculous.
  10. Hello, would anyone know how I could make animations using the Tessellator? Thanks in advance, it all helps.
  11. I don't think anyone but Searge really knows this, but who else thinks that the next ModJam will be after the 1.8 Forge release?
  12. I think this may be because you do not have any -'s in your code. There are only +'s, so the code does not register the -'s.
  13. I'm going to say it again. Please learn English better before posting in an English-only forum.
  14. Yeah, I'm doing that, but I'd also have to make a new TESR in order to be able to render armor .
  15. Yes, but I don't really like using things such as Blender for Minecraft related things.
  16. Could please provide some basic info? I'm having trouble understanding what little text you have on the post. Also, please speak English. I can not understand "I export mod have picture problems help", as we are not in caveman, grammar-less times. If you do not speak English, please learn it better before posting on an English-only forum.
  17. However, as Minecraft does not have an custom rendered blocks by default, I don't think that there really is a class I could extend to get custom Tessellated armor models, so I'll probably have to make my own TESR type thing.
  18. From what I saw, ModelBiped uses the same methods Techne does. Hmm. It also doesn't really implement any methods that I could use to render using Tessellator. I'll have to look more into it. Modular Powersuits code also wouldn't help, because MachineMuse uses .obj and .mtl.
  19. Have you looked closely at the code that spawns the pipe? Maybe you accidentally did something wrong?
  20. Just one question, what class would I have to extend to reach a tessellatable model? Not for a block, that one I know.
  21. Yup. It sure does. Thanks.
  22. No, I know that, I guess I didn't word it correctly. I want to use the Tessellator to render it.
  23. Your TileEntity registries go in your CommonProxy. You are doing stuff completely wrong in your TileEntitySpecialRenderer binding. Instead of registerTileEntity, you need to use bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer, but keep that in your ClientProxy. I think that your problem was with the SpecialRenderer, but if not, NICE COPY/PASTE FROM PAHIMAR (Nah I'm just kidding). I also have no idea why you are using an ArrayList for your blocks, but whatever floats your boat.
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