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Robert Horning

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  1. Risugami changed that with the 1.6.1 update. ModLoader is now putting the mods into the {{version}}/mods folder I don't know if Forge wants to maintain any compatibility with ModLoader, but it will start to get confusing if different API libraries start putting things into different places. For myself, I find this easier to configure and switch between different versions of Minecraft... or even separate mod sets.
  2. I'm willing to work the the Forge development team on this issue, but I'd like to get my "WorldGen API" used in my SkyZone mod to become compatible to Forge. The MC Forum thread for the mod can be found here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1101641-132-skyzone-world-generation-mod-v-10-update-for-new-mc-version/ The purpose of my API is to allow three different alternate chunk generators, one for the overworld, one for the Nether, and one for the End. I'm basing this upon the system that Risugami uses for his Biosphere mod, but I've extended that to a small patch in the WorldProviderEnd and WorldProviderHell classes which allows hooks into the chunk generators for the Nether and End. It also requires additional tweaks to WorldProvider class (already modified by Forge). Because of the way that I've written this API, any one or combination of the chunk generators are optional on the part of the mod developer and the "default" (or "standard") chunk generator developed by the Minecraft dev team at Mojang will be used instead if you don't define a chunk generator. I was able to get some partial compatibility with Forge under Minecraft version 1.2.5, but I seem to be having some harder time getting that to work in 1.3.x. I'm sure I could figure things out and restore that sort of compatibility with Forge, but at the moment it is completely incompatible and Forge is not recommended at all if you use my mod. My goal here is to use my current system for those who want to use just Risugami's ModLoader, but to somehow get compatibility with Forge as well. I also think this concept of linked chunk generators could be useful to other mod developers, and putting it into Forge may have other applications beyond my one Mod. I have another similar mod that may use this same system. If there is perhaps a better way to get this concept working, I'm welcome to suggestions as well. What I have does work just fine... using just Risugami's Mod Loader and my API so it isn't coding help I need, just getting this concept integrated into Forge. There is also a small tweak that I've added that directly impacts people using my mod that changes the EntityPlayerMP class due to a pretty serious Minecraft bug that hasn't been fixed by Mojang, details of which can be found in this thread: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1436789-132131-fallfix-mc-bug-patch-for-spawning-spmp/ That "bugfix" could use some more discussion in the context of Forge, as my alternative suggestion of adding a configuration option for server operators may even be more appropriate here. My hope is that Jeb and his team takes this bug seriously so it is integrated into vanilla Minecraft, but as of 1.3.2 it is still a problem. The one hang-up that I have for full compatibility with Forge is that my changes interfere with the changes made to add additional dimensions. Making that work is pretty simple, but I would end up needing to incorporate a fairly significant chunk of Forge in my distros if I wanted to make Forge optional.
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